Adam@Home by Rob Harrell for January 06, 2010
Laura: All right, hon. Let's return some of these strange gifts. Like this one... Adam: Not the "butter butler"? Laura: Seriously, Adam. Adam: Well, how the heck will we regulate our butter needs? Laura: With a butter knife! Adam: Laura, frankly, I'm getting a little tired of your resistance to technology. Laura: Where're my car keys?
alondra about 15 years ago
That’s technology?
WoodEye about 15 years ago
You can’t return a used Butter Butler! Yuck…..
sarge112751 about 15 years ago
My wife used a “trick” on me one year … I’d bought a ‘useless’ kitchen utensil too!
She let me keep it! - [Surprise!] - But, every time I used it, she made _me_ CLEAN IT!
(Needless to say, I stopped buying crap!)
millardjk about 15 years ago
Actually, we’re pretty happy with our butter butler…
celeconecca about 15 years ago
Soooo- is there really something called the butter butler?
COWBOY7 about 15 years ago
Celecca–I want to know what this “butter butler” is too.
cschalk about 15 years ago
rcerinys701 about 15 years ago
I don’t see how it makes the butter spread easier if you keep it in the “fridge”. My “fridge” keeps the butter too cold to spread.
dante.deangelo about 15 years ago
That’s my problem with restaurants, the butter is always so cold that whatever you put it on crumbles or tears.
maybeinthenextworld about 15 years ago
Love Adam’s comment in panel 3. Funny.
bald about 15 years ago
a butter butler might be a good way of putting butter on corn on the cob……
celeconecca about 15 years ago
I must not be watching the right TV shows or catching the same ads online - never heard of such a thing. I have, however, heard and seen the corn-on-the-cob butter thingy. It works nicely for applying the butter, but the butter STILL runs of the cob.
lager.lager.lager about 15 years ago
What Laura doesn’t understand is that without technology her car keys wouldn’t work in her car. So she does embrace it.
m b almost 2 years ago
Wonder if colorist lost some pencils. Seems like 99% of time Adam, Laura and Nick are wearing same thing