Tom the Dancing Bug by Ruben Bolling for January 02, 2010
Tom the Dancing Bug by Ruben Bolling Bear: You know, I'm sick of living here in NATURE. Let's chuck it all and go live in a human city. Bear #2: Yes! I Love the pristinely man-made environment! CRUNCH Bear: Of course, we must reshape the area to suit our needs. BOOM Food World Bear #2: This thing is ruining our view. Bear #2: We'll need plenty of room here for hunting and foraging. Bear: We also have to kill all the humans who live nearby. It's dangerous to live too close to humans. Bear #2: The population needs thinning anyway. Bear: There. Doesn't living here show how much we love humans and their habitat! Bear #2: Hey, we should get our friends to move here!
riley05 about 15 years ago
Hoo, boy, the anti-environment righties are not going to like this one little bit.
Charles Brobst Premium Member about 15 years ago
So, you’re saying that when humans move into wilderness we do the same to their habitat?
skiokanagan about 15 years ago
Nighthawks Premium Member about 15 years ago
donnnn’t it always seem to go…. that you don’t know what ya got ‘til it’s gone…… .pave paradise, put up a parking lot
verbusen about 15 years ago
I don’t know how far out Rueben writes these weekly strips, but I don’t think environmentalism is the top story this week. I guess he’s going to keep putting his head in the sand (or snow where he’s at). HELLO, Christmas day bomb attempt by religious nut jobs! C’mon atheist lefty, show me you’ve got a pair! I’ll give you another pass but I expect something about terrorists by next week Rueben. C’mon, it’s a leftist government they are attacking now!
Frosted Donut Premium Member about 15 years ago
I’m pretty sure this is a rerun. I recall reading it a couple of years ago.
Unfortunately, he doesn’t include a date with the copyright (which kind of negates the point), so it’s hard to say.
riley05 about 15 years ago
Uh, Harley, I think you misread the cartoon by 180 degrees.
ArtyG about 15 years ago
Smokey says” Only forest fires can prevent bears! ”
jpozenel about 15 years ago
I like it!
pschearer Premium Member about 15 years ago
Underlying this cartoon is the typical enviro-mental assumption that humans do not deserve to live. But the Greenies and their Leftist ancestors have always thought that.
(This might make me seem like one of them thar “anti-environment righties” to Anthony, but I suspect that Verbusen is both a righty and anti-atheist, so s/he’d not want to associate with a dedicated atheist like me. Debate amongst yourselves.)
napaeric about 15 years ago
It is a reasonable turn about, and fair play.
riley05 about 15 years ago
There are atheist groups and meetings, Jtpozenel, but they’re often not very successful, simply because unlike church-goers, atheists don’t need a weekly recharge to keep their beliefs alive.
fritzoid Premium Member about 15 years ago
Ted Rall did a strip a while back which, among other things, compared people who don’t believe in God (or gods) to people who don’t like golf. Why would they need meetings? Why do we even need a word to describe them? (Or in this case, “us”, because I believe in no gods either.)
If atheists get together and all they have in common is that they don’t believe in God (or gods), the meeting breaks up pretty soon, like a group which gathers around a television weekly to Not Watch Golf.
WalrusWalter Premium Member about 15 years ago
Thanks for the telling glimpses of mass psychosis.
moriarty67 about 15 years ago
Bolling is a genius. This cartoon perfectly describes in a few words why people need to be restricted to clearly defined zones.
Some of the comments on this comic also clearly show why the herd needs to be thinned.
number9dream about 15 years ago
Where’s the Lorax when you need him?
napaeric about 15 years ago
cull the herd…. but who is the decider? oh, right, Bush
jwile about 15 years ago
One of the best cartoons I have seen on the subject. Says it simply and perfectly…
lazyafternoon about 15 years ago
its a bear riot!