FoxTrot Classics by Bill Amend for January 05, 2010

  1. Photo 10
    StrangeTikiGod  about 15 years ago

    How peculiar! How ludicrous! How utterly ridiculous!

    But enough about her wig…

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  2. Large 82430262 10216515107971643 3814164652313542656 n
    Dkram  about 15 years ago

    Is she a Barrister? (British trial lawyer)


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  3. Missing large
    Luen  about 15 years ago

    She looks like Jason in disguise…

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  4. Large dolphin1a
    DolphinGirl78  about 15 years ago

    Overinflated sense of importance this one has…

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  5. Dill
    Constantinepaleologos  about 15 years ago

    She has the face of a goat!

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  6. D and d bed 03sc
    Ray_C  about 15 years ago

    It probably cost a dollar of her time to go through that trash.

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  7. Styledog
    gopuppy  about 15 years ago

    At least she missed the discarded staple - you can always bend it back in shape and use it again you know…

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  8. Bth baby puppies1111111111 1
    kab2rb  about 15 years ago

    There our company’s and where I work at is under a budget crounch. Cut back on paper waste. Some areas have to trim off 10%. Where I work at that will help speed the job. I have already quite using staples using different type of paperclips to binders. Scanning purposes no staples.

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  9. Ravoriabirdie
    Ravoria  about 15 years ago

    I doubt it’s Jason in disguise, but this may be his fault. Roger might have deecided not to let him play Diablo 2 again. BTW, I’m waiting for her to start pulling things out of her wig; it probably doubles as a purse :)

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  10. Pussyhatpig
    TheWildSow  about 15 years ago

    I think the big-wig lady is Mrs. O’Dell. Paige sometimes babysits her daughter Katie. Paige accidentally taught the kid a swear word one time!

    Same curly hair (poking out from under the wig), glasses, sourpuss face….I’m trying to find a pic but no luck so far.

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  11. S731122099 1068302 6899
    bluetopazcrystal  about 15 years ago

    TO- kab2rb

    You need to work on your grammar and spelling. I’m concerned about how you do your job. Are you a professional? Sad. OMG!

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