Cul de Sac by Richard Thompson for January 12, 2010
Miss Bliss: Dill, as my Very Special Helper, you'll have to get me a box of glue sticks from the Supply Closet. Dill: Okay! Boy: The Supply Closet? She's sending him to the supply closet? Marcus: Word is that, in the event of an apocalyptic cataclysm, the Supply Closet is stockpiled with enough supplies to produce craft projects for generations! Alice: LOOK! Miss Bliss: There he goes!
John Reiher Premium Member about 15 years ago
G’bye Dill, we hardly knew you!
Images of Dill covered in glue sticks dance in my head…
margueritem about 15 years ago
Gulp! Bless you Dill, as you enter the depths of the unknown….
toasteroven about 15 years ago
Tomorrow: An endless torrent of popsicle sticks, cotton balls, and googly eyes.
MisterFweem about 15 years ago
Blisshaven’s address isn’t 79 Wistful Vista, is it?
Plods with ...™ about 15 years ago
Hey - Dick Tracy could use this arc and spread it out over at least a month
GROG Premium Member about 15 years ago
This is like watching a two part episode. Just when things start to get interesting, the show’s over until next week. Fortunately, we only have to wait until tomorrow.
lazygrazer about 15 years ago
why am I suddenly hearing the theme to “Jaws”…..
bald about 15 years ago
oh no not the dreaded supply closet.
that is where they hid all the kids who never made it to elementary school
fritzoid Premium Member about 15 years ago
I’m not expecting a crash (I could be mistaken). I predict Dill will have a fleeting glimpse into a mysterious world, a veritable Shangri-La of (as toasteroven suggests), popsicle sticks, cotton balls, and googly eyes (maybe even CRAFT CORKS!) never before seen by 4 year-old eyes. Will he be changed by his experience? Will he return from his Glue Stick Quest with an aura of transcendent wonderment, having encountered that which cannot even be described to his peers? Might Dill truly attain Very Specialness?
On second thought, the sight of Dill’s head sprouting glue sticks might be too good to pass up…
GROG Premium Member about 15 years ago
Fritzoid I was waiting for the tune in tomorrow…same bat time…same bat station!
fritzoid Premium Member about 15 years ago
I’d have to have started out with “Could it BE…?!?”
lelhawks about 15 years ago
the suspense is killing me!!!!!!!
snatzerpazooka about 15 years ago
I don’t think he will see anything special–but that won’t stop him from telling amazing stories about the legendary supply closet…
fritzoid Premium Member about 15 years ago
If we were headed for a sight gag, I doubt we’d have this much build-up. It’s only Tuesday, after all. (Again, though, I could be mistaken.) Dill’s misadventures with art supplies are usually just shown in the last panel of a single strip, as a supplement to whatever else is going on.
COWBOY7 about 15 years ago
Will we ever see Dill AGAIN? Toon in tomorrow when we’ll hear Alice say………………………………………
frenchkate13 about 15 years ago
There will have to be some empty clean baby food jars to make either paper weights or snow globes with.
Alani67 about 15 years ago
comics4brown about 15 years ago
and don’t forget those fuzzy pipe cleaners – those have to be in there somewhere DIll…