Adam@Home by Rob Harrell for July 04, 2009
Adam: Come on, Clayton. Don't be Grumpy. Clayton: I just wanted some cool fireworks for once. Adam: Listen, pal. Fireworks are dangerous. Clayton: I know, dad. I just think they're cool. Adam: Do you know what my dad used to do to cheer me up? Clayton: Not buy fireworks? Adam: Nooo, we'd eat prodigious amounts of mint-chip ice cream? Clayton: Hey, that's amazing! I do feel better!
Shikamoo Premium Member over 15 years ago
Really Clayton? Or are you dripping with sarcasm?
sarge112751 over 15 years ago
A Happy and SAFE (Clayton) 4th of July to ALL!
Enjoy our most precious asset - FREEDOM!
AddADadaAdDad over 15 years ago
Prodigious amounts of ice cream can also be dangerous, but in a different way.
Whoosh! !!BOOM!!
GROG Premium Member over 15 years ago
Amazing how a little ice cream can change one’s outlook on life.
bald over 15 years ago
Prodigious amounts of ice cream made me the man i am today
Nighthawks Premium Member over 15 years ago
bribery is always the best policy
Jor-El over 15 years ago
Happy Birthday, America!
4th of July and ice cream–what fun!
We made our own ice cream the old-fashioned way with the hand-cranked machine. Remember the blocks of ice and rock salt? (Necessary to keep the mixture cold.)
And we’d fill a wheel barrel full of watermelons grown on the farm, cut out the hearts and spit seeds everywhere.
(Some of the melons were victims of misplaced firecrackers—what a mess that caused.)
Ice cream and watermelon…but we left enough room for the hot dogs and burgers!
benbrilling over 15 years ago
Mint chip is SO 20th century. Try some Bud’s Brown Cow Palace, or if you’re not close enough to San Francisco to get it, then most of the Ben & Jerry flavors will do.
cmusicfan2000 over 10 years ago
it is sad to me that his dad doesn’t just do what mine did when I was a kid. Sure you can get some…with me. I’ll buy them, and I’ll light them. you may watch until your old enough to light them.