Adam: How's the conference, honey? Oh, us? We're great! No, seriously. It's been fun, and house is in great shape. ...Uh, who? She wants to talk to you.
Katy: This feels like a good time to talk to you about a small raise in my allowance.
lewisbower over 15 years ago
Andy, go to the phone book. M I N U T E M A I D S
alondra over 15 years ago
Looks like Adam’s fixing to become a victim of blackmail.
Better get that kitchen cleaned up STAT my friend.
carmy over 15 years ago
I was pleasantly surprised when after I spent a week in the hospital, my house was still intact.
cleokaya over 15 years ago
snarkm over 15 years ago
I don’t really understand, in past strips it has been very clear that Adam is alone with the kids and house all day long while his wife works full time. He also does, perhaps not all of it but certainly his share of housework, cleaning and cooking. So why the heck should we believe that he now has so much trouble with it? This ‘the wife is away so the husband blunders everything up’ joke doesn’t really work very well with a stay at home dad.
Also, is it just me or have there been far too many strips where the wife and kids are mean and sarcastic to Adam (or behind his back)?
dante.deangelo over 15 years ago
Hmm. I think it’s obvious Laura is the glue to the family. When she leaves everything falls apart. I know that when it was just me and my wife was away everything was compounded … it wasn’t twice as hard, it was three to four times as hard.
dante.deangelo over 15 years ago
And great negotiation skills by Katey, she has ALL the leverage!
Armand Bastionairre over 15 years ago
I don’t find it mean at all. I feel like they generally love each other but occassionally tease.
Can you point out a mean comic to illustrate your point?
bald over 15 years ago
oh by the way adam, the conference is being cut short, she’ll be home sooner than she thought
COWBOY7 over 15 years ago
A raise in the allowance AND a later bedtime!
snarkm over 15 years ago
@ armandbastionairre
I’m not a paying user so I can only point you to one strip in the last 14 days on October third. The kids are mean, firstly because they wait until Adam is out of the room before they say that and secondly because they aren’t smiling, that indicates to me that they are more serious than teasing.
I don’t remember specifics but I do remember taking a double take at some of Lauras comments to Adam these last month or so and thinking ‘wow, that was really uncalled for’. It reminded me of Ralph and his wife in Drabble, who, in my honest opinion, don’t have a very loving relationship at all. I noticed it with Adam and Laura because they usually are never like that.
Armand Bastionairre over 15 years ago
I see. That wasn’t very nice. But it seemed very lighthearted to me at least.
YatInExile over 15 years ago
Adam is a graduate of the Roger Fox College of Housekeeping.