He probably drinks Coors Light too. Thank God I’m not vacationing with these two bores. And when is this trip over? This is a pretty long holiday considering they aren’t having that great a time. I think Epcot would have been a better choice for these two.
I don’t drink alcoholic beverages, but I can easily taste the difference between Coke and Pepsi, Hershey and Nestles, and many different coffees and teas. Life’s a lot more enjoyable when you pay attention to all your senses..BTW, @Ras Baubeau, I think you meant “boor” (an unrefined person) rather than “bore” (a tiresome person). Then again, maybe not.
Seriously, it seems like they’ve been jaunting across Europe for ages. How’s their rent getting paid. The restaurant’s probably closed by now and the pets probably think they’re never coming home
Pharmakeus Ubik over 12 years ago
tirnaaisling over 12 years ago
Always good to be true to yourself
lisajwalton over 12 years ago
Love him!
Ratbrat over 12 years ago
I agree with him! It all tastes alike to me.
bmarchewka over 12 years ago
He probably drinks Coors Light too. Thank God I’m not vacationing with these two bores. And when is this trip over? This is a pretty long holiday considering they aren’t having that great a time. I think Epcot would have been a better choice for these two.
Cartoonacy over 12 years ago
I don’t drink alcoholic beverages, but I can easily taste the difference between Coke and Pepsi, Hershey and Nestles, and many different coffees and teas. Life’s a lot more enjoyable when you pay attention to all your senses..BTW, @Ras Baubeau, I think you meant “boor” (an unrefined person) rather than “bore” (a tiresome person). Then again, maybe not.
tgrfemme over 12 years ago
Ditto, and I’m not lying either. I was brought up on wine, so I learned how to tell the difference between them! Usually. ;)
KSquaredComics over 12 years ago
Time to drink more wine!
Kathy M T M Premium Member over 12 years ago
I am wondering when they are coming home though- have they decided to stay? LOL
serendous over 12 years ago
Seriously, it seems like they’ve been jaunting across Europe for ages. How’s their rent getting paid. The restaurant’s probably closed by now and the pets probably think they’re never coming home