Grand Avenue by Mike Thompson for November 04, 2012
I can't wait until the elections over and TV stops being all politics all the time. In starts being all Christmas all the time! So as soon as we're getting swamped by one tidal wave of hype, we're immediately swamped by another. Just when you thought it was safe to go back into the water. Vote me
Reynie about 12 years ago
Hurray for the endless stream of commercial crape that’s constantly being fed into our minds!
thephildagostino Premium Member about 12 years ago
thanks for saying “tidal wave” instead of that insipid “tsunami”…we are, afterall, english speakers. your strip would be funnier if it weren’t so true! great strip. their glasses remind of my days in high school (1970’s) ~Phil
Comic Minister Premium Member about 12 years ago
Sorry to hear that ladies.
hippogriff about 12 years ago
thephildagostino: Especially since “tidal waves” have nothing to do with tides, other than that they both involve water. Tsunami is a scientific term and so is understandable in any language in the world – even land-locked ones, if the person is educated enough to have encountered it. Your tag looks very much like some Greek meaning “one who likes a little ignorance”.
robert423elliott over 1 year ago
In ‘Family Circus’, we have a ghost named “Not Me”. Here we have a politician apparently named “Me”!