Ripley's Believe It or Not by Ripley’s Believe It or Not! for November 01, 2012
C. Elegans worms developed life extending genetic changes when they are taken into space! Certain genes associated with the worms' aging are mysteriously switched off! I feel so young! 16-year-old Yasser Lopez survived brain impalement when he was accidentally speared through the face during a fishing trip off the coast of Florida in June 2012! Little Houdini Christopher Gaye of Tennessee has escaped police custody on 13 different occasions without resorting to any form of violence!
goalgo over 12 years ago
Justin Case, (A real person), has the most ridiculous name ever bestowed.
Weakstream over 12 years ago
goalgo was second.
Stephen Gilberg over 12 years ago
-The worm story is most intriguing. I wonder what other critters experience the same.-Survival is one thing, but I bet Lopez has a significant neural impairment now, like aphasia.-I kinda like persistently nonviolent criminals. Assuming Gay’s not wanted for violent crimes.
Puddleglum2 over 12 years ago
“You make me feel so young”
Puddleglum2 over 12 years ago
Breaking the law does violence to the law, and escape from the law “compounds the felony”!
tadchem over 12 years ago
That says something about Christopher’s skills, and something else about those of the Tennessee police.
tadchem over 12 years ago
Ridiculous names? My mother grew up with a friend named Ophelia Pratt.