For Heaven's Sake by Mike Morgan for October 15, 2012

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    Ironhold  over 12 years ago

    I’m an MBA with a focus on marketing. I could go all day talking about things that some companies do.[]For example, at one point Mattel used to sell a 10-pack of Hot Wheels cars. []Now it’s a 9-pack.[]What they did was they enlarged the splash artwork on the front of the box until it was big enough to hide the tray where the 10th car should have been, obscuring the fact that the tray’s not there anymore. They then altered the text on the packaging so that it no longer said it was a 10-pack.[]It’s still sold in the same size box and for the exact same price as the 10-pack. []But due to a little slight-of-hand, you’re only getting 9 cars.

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    bmonk  over 12 years ago

    Yes—I sometimes think that whoever comes up with these “burning” issues do it to distract us from the real message, such as Jesus’ call, “The Kingdom of God is at hand! Repent and believe in the Gospel!”

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    freeholder1  over 12 years ago

    Small problem. Christ has a Bride already. the Church. Human marriage is merely a symbol of the future eternal union with God. Like the Saducees you miss the point, this time, of his bachelorhood. All those references to his future marriage such as “I go to prepare a place for you” would have no special meaning if he were married. It’s even more important since the Templar and more recent new Age idiocy about a descendent have become ways to challenge his Godhood.

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    rosieposie2012  over 12 years ago

    Jesus Christ was NOT MARRIED… He was without sin… He DID NOT HAVE KIDS EITHER.. Come on people

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    pcolli  over 12 years ago

    It would have been both natural and a cultural requirement for “Jesus” to marry. What makes it so difficult to believe that fact if you believe in his actual existence?

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    damifino59  over 12 years ago

    I personally believe that Jesus was not married and primarily because none of the gospels give any indication that he was.However,were it to turn out that he did have a wife where is the wrong in that. And Rosie M,sounds like,by the way you phrased you comments that marriage is a sin.At least that’s the way I see your comment that “he was without sin”.You said it,not me.

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    pogotoby  almost 12 years ago

    Paul – to be a Pharisee he had to have been married, he was a widower.

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