Ink Pen by Phil Dunlap for December 15, 2013
Tyr: As the Norse god of war, I was worshipped! Adored! Now, no one even remembers me! Bixby: That's rough, Tyr... Tyr: I even had a day named after me! Tuesday is from my old German name, "Tiv". Bixby: Tuesday? Tuesday's like the worst day there is! I mean, there's that love-to-hate-it quality of Monday... the glimmer of hope of Wednesday... the anticipation of Thursday, the exhilaration of Friday... the indulgence of Saturday and the laziness of Sunday! But Tuesday's nothing! It's like "Blah-day"! Boring, bland, might-as-well-no-even-exist day! It's lame! Hey, I didn't name that crummy day after you!
Vince M about 11 years ago
Hey, you need to get together with Tuesday Weld!
nj23nut about 11 years ago
Tuesdays aren’t that bad! My local theater has $6 movies on Tuesdays!
cdnalor about 11 years ago
Tuesday’s the day that actual work gets done.
knight1192a about 11 years ago
Let’s see, Tyr’s day, Woden’s (Odin) day, Thor’s day, and either Freyja’s day or Frigg’s day. I’d be careful as the days of the week are a family affair for Tyr.
etonry about 11 years ago
NEVER insult a god of war. It just cannot end well.
BRI-NO-MITE!! Premium Member about 11 years ago
I like to break up my work week with Woton’s Day off.