Ink Pen by Phil Dunlap for December 21, 2014
Tyr: After sacrificing my hand to save Asgard, the dwarves forged a metal hand for me deep in the bowels of the earth, using their vast cunning and dark elves' magic! It can withstand the flames of a dragon, the weight of a giant, and the claws of a gryffon!! It holds my axe true and with this enchanted gauntlet I shall never miss my mark!! But, no, it doesn't get wifi. Hamhock: Ha! iPhone: one, magic dwarf hand: zero!
Observer fo Irony about 10 years ago
But the magic dwarf hand never needs software upgrades; iPhone 1 and magic dwarf hand 1.
Rush Strong Premium Member about 10 years ago
But I’m sure that Tyr (the Norse god of single combat) has Bluetooth built into his hand.
puddleglum1066 about 10 years ago
I first thought it was a dangling modifier. Then I wondered if in fact Tyr’s telling us that this whole sacrificing-the-hand thing was the dwarves’ idea, not his.
Pharmakeus Ubik about 10 years ago
I wish he’d get his mythical races straight. Was it the Dvärgar, the Dokkalfar, or the communist Chinese who built it for him?