Ink Pen by Phil Dunlap for January 10, 2015
Hamhock: Holy cow!! Have you been on the web all night?? Tyr: ... yes. Hamhock: Well, did you find out anything about quantum physics?? Tyr: I started to... but then I found a Norse-myths message board, a make-your-own coffee mug site, a video stash of kittens falling off sofas and now, uh... now... Hamhock: Now you're stupider than when you started. Tyr: Aw, someone outbid me on that rare 1998 'Hello Kitty' lunchbox!
Arbitrary about 10 years ago
Fun fact: it was customary to give Vikings a kitten during their wedding, as cats were rather mythical to them. Freya had her chariot pulled by 2 giant cats, and if you didn’t receive clothes before Christmas you were eaten by a giant cat.
Tue Elung-Jensen about 10 years ago
So he didn’t find something else interesting …?
damifid0 about 10 years ago
I got nutthin. :( Peace. Jus suis Charlie