So... What are you going to the Halloween party as? I'm not sure yet... Werewolf? Vampire? Werewolf? Vampire? Hey! Oh... EB's going as a trashcan. Whoa. Pretty convincing.
But E.B. is a trash can! (Sorry for the racial slur to all you androids, cyborgs, and cybots out there!)For Monty, I vote vampire, ‘cause it’s a more comfortable costume!
tuna1 over 12 years ago
Trash can? I thought he was going as R2D2….
tattooedcyberidiot over 12 years ago
You’re better off going as an icebox, EB. People will give you free drinks all night.
Sisyphos over 12 years ago
But E.B. is a trash can! (Sorry for the racial slur to all you androids, cyborgs, and cybots out there!)For Monty, I vote vampire, ‘cause it’s a more comfortable costume!
Coyoty Premium Member over 12 years ago
He could also be Oscar the Grouch.
raukzenta over 12 years ago
Frame 2… Where is Montys left arm???…
raukzenta over 12 years ago
Frame one, I mean…
superflash over 12 years ago
Partial Invisible Man costume?
djmalloy over 12 years ago
Where wolf? There wolf. There ALF. There trash can.
htownkev over 12 years ago
Someone was handing him the wolf mask at the costume store.
water_moon over 12 years ago
If a sub sandwhich (panel 1) is your idea of candy, then I don’t wan tot go trick or treating at your house.