Over the Hedge by T Lewis and Michael Fry for October 23, 2012

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    vwdualnomand  over 12 years ago

    eggplant is a berry. and, some good stuff comes from iowa, but the other stuff..meh. plus, eggplants are a meat substitute.

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    KEA  over 12 years ago

    you mean Garry Shandling, Bruce Willis and Steve Carell? right. too bad the strip doesn’t have Allison Janney

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    KEA  over 12 years ago

    Similarly, Indiana Beach used to use ’There’s more than Corn in Indiana’ as an advertising slogan and I always wanted to add… yes, there’s soybeans.

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    coolhand000  over 12 years ago

    Where does eggplants really come from . .?? Don’t ask me. .I’ve never looked that close at a chickens rear. . .

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    banana_anna_1_12  over 12 years ago

    yes! everything good DOES come from Iowa! LIKE ME!!

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    banana_anna_1_12  over 12 years ago

    and yes. James T. Kirk comes from Riverside, IA :D

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  7. Hamhug
    Llywus  over 12 years ago

    Eggplant is a berry? Really? Whodathink it.But I’ve now learned something new so I can go back to bed.

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  8. Marvin the martian
    bubbareb  over 12 years ago

    Okay. Note to command staff: modify invasion plan; conquer planet, leave Iowa. No eggplant.

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  9. Taz by abovetheflames
    danketaz Premium Member over 12 years ago

    Whatever you do, DON’T tell him about hen fruit.

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    mnd0829  over 12 years ago

    What in the world is an alfalfa kiln???

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    KJ Premium Member over 12 years ago

    everything good comes from iowa!

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    Keith Messamer  over 12 years ago

    Absolutely right!

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