Baldo by Hector D. Cantú and Carlos Castellanos for October 22, 2009

  1. Halloween 1927 model t ford 2
    UncaAlby  over 15 years ago

    Well, he can’t get slapped over the Internet – can he???

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  2. Teeva gocomics avatar 2
    Sir Bombers  over 15 years ago


    Baldo has officially been “C Blocked”…. by his own father no less!

    I guess Sergio’s scolding from “telling lies over the internet” from last strip is totally short lived when a webcam comes to play!

    Yenny’s natural hotness strikes again I’m afraid!

    Wonderful strip today!

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  3. Emerald
    margueritem  over 15 years ago

    Sergio falls head over heels…..

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  4. Canada 153127 640
    JP Steve Premium Member over 15 years ago

    Cute old guy?? Yenny, that’s ME ME ME!!!

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  5. Douglasadams t
    auricle  over 15 years ago

    Go Sergio! Now wouldn’t that be something if Baldo’s stepmom was Yenny.

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  6. Img 0041
    Dapperdan61  Premium Member over 15 years ago

    I notice Yennys left arm is quite large & muscular. Not as small as in her strip running with Fred & Barney unable to move her arms

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  7. Bill
    Brer_Rabbit10  over 15 years ago

    Yenny is getting face time on a number of strips (wonderful word, eh?) this week. Ay caramba!!

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  8. Yahoospring
    Xrystalia  over 15 years ago

    Posters’ lives are not the topic in this arena, Potrzebie, the comics are.

    Who is Yenny? I thought I read the whole week, but never caught a name and you guys seem to know her from… another comic strip? Clue me in!!!

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  9. Rock pigeon
    TheRockPigeon  over 15 years ago

    Xrystalia: I would like to direct you here

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  10. Baldohead
    cartooningpro  over 15 years ago

    Xrystalia: also check David Alvarez’s website for more Yenny

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  11. Nanny poo
    carmy  over 15 years ago

    Yikes Sergio, you bumped off Baldo!

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  12. Baldohead
    cartooningpro  over 15 years ago

    Carmy: I’ve bumped my kids off the net for less. I wouldn’t want to share Yenny either. ; )

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  13. Dorian tenore logo
    DorianKTB  over 15 years ago

    Was Yenny designed by Ralph Bakshi? She sure looks like one of Bakshi’s hot animated babes!

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  14. Text if you d like to meet him
    Yukoneric  over 15 years ago

    Why women will never be equal to men……………

    No short, fat, balding 40 year old woman thinks she’s cute.

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  15. Irish clover.svg
    johnnydoc5  over 15 years ago


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  16. Ak100
    Herbabee  over 15 years ago

    Yenny’s with Baldo, the Flintstones are with Yenny…


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  17. Thrill
    fritzoid Premium Member over 15 years ago

    Yenny looks more similar to John Krikfalusi’s women than Bakshi’s, but then Bakshi was more of a businessman than an artist anyway. What you’re thinking of as “Bakshi’s women” may well have been Robert Crumb’s women, or Vaughn Bode’s women, or even John K’s women (“Bakshi’s Mighty Mouse” was actually the work of John K.).

    I also see a resemblance to Chris Sanders’ women, particularly Nani in Lilo and Stitch. Sanders caught lots of flack for drawing Nani with an actual anatomy, including strong, meaty legs and a well-defined pelvis.

    In “Zits”, Jeremy recently turned 16 (he was 15 when the strip began), and there are periodic references to him having erotic fantasies about his guidance counsellor, who’s in her 40’s. When we see her through Jeremy’s eyes, we see her clad in leopard-skin bikinis, or with a plunging neckline, in a variety of come-hither poses. When we see her as others see her, she’s dressed primly, and conservatively.

    That’s how teenage boys experience the world. If you’re doing a strip which honestly (yet humorously) deals with the emotional life of a teenage boy, to completely avoid the freely-flowing, randomly-directed HORNINESS that is so much a part of being that age is to be dishonest. It’s the (PRUDISH) impulse which insists on “abstinence only” sex education, treating sexual thoughts as if they were shameful, repression, neurosis, guilt…

    I’m not advocating “All sex, all the time”, but repressive PRUDERY and destructive licentiousness don’t counteract each other, they REINFORCE each other. The tighter you try to clamp down the lid, the more likely the pressure will be released in an unwanted manner.

    By Jis and by St. Charity, Alack, and fie! for shame, Young men will do ‘t If they come to ‘t, By C–k, they are to blame!

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  18. Teeva gocomics avatar 2
    Sir Bombers  over 15 years ago

    I totally agree with fritzoid…

    This particular comic strip is not advocating 15 year olds trying to have sexual relationships with 22 year olds. In light of what Fritzoid said, the main point and overall funny gag of this weeks strip is to show an average young male in his teens working towards a goal that is probably not likely to ever happen. It shows the hopeful aspirations of male teen in his early years of exploring the opposite sex. It’s supposed to be funny because he trying so hard to impress a girl fulfilling one of the typical aspects of most teen males partaking in their own love fantasies.

    Lastly the large feet aren’t drawn because of Dave’s style. Dave draw’s plenty of regular sided feeton all sorts of characters. Yenny’s feet are part of her own strip’s gag. She aspires to be a runway model but is unable to because of the size her feet. Thereafter she goes through many humorous situations with friends, family and complete strangers taking small oddball jobs in pursuit of one day achieving her modeling dream.

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