Phoebe and Her Unicorn by Dana Simpson for October 18, 2012

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    kcorl001  over 12 years ago

    I’ve been reading since the first strip, and I can honestly say that I’m falling in love with everything about it.

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    Lyons Group, Inc.  over 12 years ago

    I started reading this comic too starting with in the middle of week two. And some still say that it’s the female oppossite of Calvin & Hobbes.

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    Q4horse  over 12 years ago

    Its not trickery, its therapy, hippotherapy, or theraputic riding. I wonder if unicorns would like horse treats? Its what I pay my therapist. Horse are great teachers, they make learning fun!Give your teacher (unicorn) an apple Phoebe!

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    kendallclark1973  over 12 years ago

    Way to fluff your ego, Marigold. Unicorn!

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    auriel4  over 12 years ago

    I was in love from day one

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    kaykeyser  over 12 years ago

    Phoebe Marigold’s been messing with you ever since she said Unicorns invented music.

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    Comic Minister Premium Member over 12 years ago

    No trick at all Phoebe.

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    John W Kennedy Premium Member over 12 years ago

    One feels the need to point out that Buddy Holly would have been nothing without Louis Jordan.

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    reynard61  over 12 years ago

    “Are you trying to trick me into learning something?”

    If you have to ask the question; then, yes, she is…

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    Paul of Eugene  over 12 years ago

    I take it that was a “yes” in the last panel . . .

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    John W Kennedy Premium Member over 12 years ago

    A) “Little Audrey” was a flat-out ripoff of “Little Lulu”.

    B) “Nancy” is actually older than “Little Lulu”.

    C) But the comic-book version of “Nancy” is largely based on the comic-book version of “Little Lulu”, because both were the creations of the great John Stanley.

    D) In any case, it all goes back to “The Yellow Kid”, “Buster Brown”, and “The Katzenjammer Kids”—and they had forerunners, too, though not as newspaper strips.

    E) Although “Heavenly Nostrils” has a certain resemblance to “Calvin and Hobbes”, it is far more like “Barnaby”. Phoebe, like Barnaby, finds adults mystifying and annoying, but, unlike Calvin, does not perceive them as enemies. Marigold, like Mr. O’Malley, and unlike Hobbes, has her own life, and off-stage friends. One can even imagine her as a guest of the Elves, Gnomes and Little Men’s Chowder & Marching Society.

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    AlexLion  over 12 years ago

    Trickster! Confound these unicorns! )

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