Real Life Adventures by Gary Wise and Lance Aldrich for November 05, 2012
November 04, 2012
November 06, 2012
Man: Where do we keep the superglue? Woman: Well, I keep it in the cupboard. But you used it last, so the question now isn't where we keep it, but where you left it. Man: Uh... I'll go buy some more. Woman: Probably best.
freeholder1 about 12 years ago
And use it on her mouth. sorry, That would be glue abuse.
ferritt123 about 12 years ago
sounds like me and my husband!
Miba about 12 years ago
If men just put things back when they were done we wouldn’t have this problem!
Spyderred about 12 years ago
And undoubtedly with the cap off.
Saucy1121 Premium Member about 12 years ago
If you do find it, the top will be glued on the tube so, you’ll need more anyway.
freeholder1 about 12 years ago
Ouch. What a comeback!
freeholder1 about 12 years ago
You may not know this but the women in this strip all have one personality.
J_Verschueren about 12 years ago
It’s probably pointless to point out superglue should be kept in a fridge, but anyway…