Phoebe and Her Unicorn by Dana Simpson for October 28, 2012
Marigold: ZZAP. Phoebe: What are we doing HERE? Marigold: You texted me, asking me to bring you MOUNTAINS. An impossible request, but one worthy of a princess. So I have done the next best thing. And brought you TO the mountains! Phoebe: I texted you to bring me my MITTENS. At least I THINK I... STUPID AUTOCORRECT. Marigold: Nice view, anyway.
rpmurray over 12 years ago
Definitely an Android phone.
BLUEBONNETS Premium Member over 12 years ago
I’ve really become a great fan of the art work on this strip.
Comic Minister Premium Member over 12 years ago
fuzzyimages over 12 years ago
It could have been “muttons”….he said sheepishly.
StrangerCoug over 12 years ago
I think I know what Phoebe would have said if it weren’t for her mother and/or the syndicate, given I’m a fan of the namesake site…
kaykeyser over 12 years ago
I have bad luck with my spelling too Phoebe. You know past few Sunday strips have been cell phone related.Now lets see what else Phoebe could have gottenmites miens mittens miters mite’s mittens mitosis mitoses mi tuns mi-tuns iTunes well it depends on HOW you misspell Mitens, mittins, mittons, mituns if you get Mites, mattins, mitosis, or mi tuns
Q4horse over 12 years ago
So the unicorn has teleportation. I wonder what the range and scope is? Is it interplanetary or interdimensional as well? Marigold actually complimented Phoebe for making a request worthy of a Princess. Now Phoebe knows how to impress a unicorn!
josh_bisbee over 12 years ago
I hate Autocorrect on my Sprint android too.
Stephen Gilberg over 12 years ago
Ah, DYAC. Now she wants mittens even more.
TheDOCTOR over 12 years ago
Love the Doctor Who look Marigold is sporting.
ChappellGirl5 over 12 years ago
Love Marigold’s leggings.
Destiny23 over 12 years ago
“Yes, nice view. Now, HOW ABOUT SOME OXYGEN!!!”
Hephaestus16 2 months ago
I feel that Marigold could have moved a mountain put Phoebe has nowhere to put it and also untold millions would perish.
glowing-steak32 about 2 months ago
It’s like when I tried to say “gonna” but SOMEHOW it came out as “goons”. Who would even say “goons” commonly?!