Doonesbury by Garry Trudeau for November 08, 2012

  1. Img 0910
    BE THIS GUY  over 12 years ago

    “I get no respect.”

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    Yuseff  over 12 years ago

    Poor Rick.

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    DylanThomas3.14159  over 12 years ago

    Don’t worry, Doc, Jeff’ll do it!

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    Varnes  over 12 years ago

    He’s probably got blogged arteries

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    einarbt7  over 12 years ago

    This has to hurt.

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    rpmurray  over 12 years ago

    He could blog about the irregularities that the Democrats uncovered with the voting machines that kept them from winning the Presidency 
 oh, wait 
 cancel that.

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  7. Gatti bellissimi sacro di birmania birmano leggenda
    montessoriteacher  over 12 years ago

    Still need to find a way to reform problems with voting even though the Democrats won.

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    Beleck3  over 12 years ago

    lol, the way we value our worth on whether we "work.’ such capitalism non human values. great to see such slap in faces of the Right’s human less value

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    YatInExile  over 12 years ago

    Try asking a stay-at-home mom if she works.

    But give me time to leave the room before you do.

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  10. Tor johnson
    William Bednar Premium Member over 12 years ago

    But, wait, has Rick fully digested and then regurgitated the impact of Mr. O’s re-election?

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    thirdguy  over 12 years ago

    It is only important, to have fair, honest, open, transparent, elections, if you want to live in a democracy.

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    thirdguy  over 12 years ago

    I never mentioned the United States.

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    kingscounsel  over 12 years ago

    Note that GT hasn’t incorporated the o-win yet
 crafty storyline having her incapacitated to buy time to create his response
 allows for a ‘real time’ storyline written in advance

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  14. Shepherd sam
    peabodyboy  over 12 years ago

    Man means nothing, he means less to meThan the lowliest cactus flowerOr the humblest Yucca tree.He chases round this desert,‘Cause he thinks that’s where I’ll be.That’s why I love mankind.-God (as reported by the prophet, Randy Newman (peace be upon his soundtracks)

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  15. Pirate63
    Linguist  over 12 years ago

    I have a friend, who is a professional musician. When someone asked him why he became a musician, he replied: " I’m too lazy to work, too proud to beg, and too chicken to steal ! "

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    38lowell  over 12 years ago

    After the Senate win, and this woman’s sacrifice, wouldn’t Warren visit, or at least send a feather?Poor tribal work ethics!!!

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    DylanThomas3.14159  over 12 years ago

    “The United States of America was not created as a democracy. 
 [T]he USA will never become a democracy.”

    Ever heard of the Democratic-Republican Party organized by Thomas Jefferson and James Madison in 1791?

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    Rickapolis  over 12 years ago

    Hey, do my comments on GoComics make me a blogger? I could add it to my resume. If I wasn’t retired, that is.

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    kaffekup   over 12 years ago

    That was exactly my point: no-one should have to stand in lines that long, especially after what they’ve gone through to get the right to vote at all.

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    kaffekup   over 12 years ago

    I can’t believe that after the partisanship by the Secretaries of State running elections in 2000 in FL, and 2004 in OH, that we haven’t fixed this problem. Unfortunately, as long as the people who could fix it got their positions through it, the abuse is not going away. Similar to the way that people in Congress won’t mess with the system that got them to Congress.

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  21. Gatti bellissimi sacro di birmania birmano leggenda
    montessoriteacher  over 12 years ago

    In St. Louis, they ask where did you go to high school?

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    Seed_drill  over 12 years ago

    Just tell people you’re retired. My dad’s been having to do that since he was 55 or so. (Fortunately, he got a good buyout).

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    DylanThomas3.14159  over 12 years ago

    gmartin997: According to Joanie’s surgeon “work” is labor for which one receives payment. For him, Rick’s labor, called “writing” — no matter how hard, no matter how good (say, Shakespeare or Dostoevsky) — isn’t “work” if Rick doesn’t receive wages or royalties or any other form of monetary remuneration.This is, of course, a stupid definition, but one that many people assume.

    LWP: Well put.

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    robinafox  over 12 years ago

    “Are you indisposed during the day?” is about the oddest way of asking someone if they go out to work that I have ever heard.

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    FriscoLou  over 12 years ago

    You don’t suppose Guard Sarge is Ted Nugent’s user-name do you? I’m beginning to think leftwingpatriot is the user-name for some WH political operative whose job was to steer the story line and drum up support for his candidate in GoComics (that’s where it was won) and now he’s heading back to the WH for his Victory Bonus. You watch, if Barack ever runs for anything again, you know who will show up like it was yesterday with that big toothy grin, the first of a 1000 comments.

    I never use to be this cynical but GoComics will do it to ya.

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    DylanThomas3.14159  over 12 years ago

    SkepticCal to pbarnrob: “Your support of Stalin is refreshing.”

    You don’t even realize you’re misinterpreting, do you?

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    BE THIS GUY  over 12 years ago

    Since this is my last day posting on this site I feel free to say this: you’re an ignorant moron. To equate a quote with supporting the person who is quoted is the height of stupidity.If you had 2 working brain cells you would realize that by quoting Stalin pharnob was pointing out the danger computer voting represents to fair elections.

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