Nancy by Olivia Jaimes for November 12, 2012

  1. Michael thorton
    Michael Thorton  over 12 years ago

    That’s exactly what they said about Andy Warhol.

    And look at him now.

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  2. Felixthecat
    Auntie Socialist  over 12 years ago

    Actually, placing those sticks and baseball and apples on a pile of leaves and holding them up is a pretty neat trick.

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    amsterama1  over 12 years ago

    Warhol used Nancy in one of his paintings:

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    Just Me  over 12 years ago

    Seems odd somehow… Gilchrist uses Aunt Frtizi to memorialize every dead rock star you can name and yet not a word on Veteran’s Day memorializing our service men and women. But then again, when I look at his photos (to the right), I see more of Woodstock than I do of Arlington National Cemetary.

    Thank you, Veterans, for your service to our country.

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    fdcorey  over 12 years ago

    Mr. FhvnEd, didn’t the Veterans get enough attention today?

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    Just Me  over 12 years ago

    Well. your name pretty much tells me all I need to know about you. And you’re right. They are MY veterans. Perhaps you’re jaded because the only ones you ever saw were the ones who ran away to your “liberal” country to escape serving mine.

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  7. 372763 659027117 782584618 n
    GuyGilchrist  over 12 years ago

    I know most of you saw Sunday’s strip that was inspired by me and a WWII vet when I was a kid….also…if you don’t rad Today’s Dogg here on gocomics, you might start with this one, and the one before it…so check this and then click back…

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  8. 372763 659027117 782584618 n
    GuyGilchrist  over 12 years ago

    I do the kind of strip I believe I can do the best job on. It is an honest reflection of me. If you think I don’t love and honor our military…then you don’t read this strip very often.Thanks to those who applaud it. Thanks to those who tolerate it. And to those who don’t like it….you’re probably not reading this.

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