Hahah! This one is especially good! I have thought often about SHAVING DOWN to a goatee, but I keep thinking to myself… “Self, why would you want to have to spend more time shaving than you already waste on the activity?” I shave my neck line once a week (or occasionally more if my wife gets irate about the furriness). I have worn a full beard and moustache since I was 19 (a helluva long time ago).
pouncingtiger about 12 years ago
That looks like a tattoo.
mrbribery about 12 years ago
it would make a great mustache!
pcolli about 12 years ago
Wouldn’t be a goatee, anyway. A goatee hangs from the chin downwards. Like a goat.
J Short about 12 years ago
Besides , I said whenever.
gordrogb Premium Member about 12 years ago
Well, apparently, you CAN.
Pipe Tobacco Premium Member about 12 years ago
Hahah! This one is especially good! I have thought often about SHAVING DOWN to a goatee, but I keep thinking to myself… “Self, why would you want to have to spend more time shaving than you already waste on the activity?” I shave my neck line once a week (or occasionally more if my wife gets irate about the furriness). I have worn a full beard and moustache since I was 19 (a helluva long time ago).
jmcx4 about 12 years ago
They are all “grill gloss”.
tegm about 12 years ago
HAHAHAHAHAH!!!! I damn near spit my soda on the monitor!!! great one :D