Tom the Dancing Bug by Ruben Bolling for November 09, 2012
Tom the Dancing Bug by Ruben Bolling Hollingsworth Hound TM in "Houston, We Have A Problem" Poindexter: Wow! We've got to do something! NOW! Poindexter: Mr. Hound, we must reduce our use of FOSSIL FUELS -- it's clearly causing GLOBAL WARMING! Hound: It won't be a problem. HOUNDCO LUMBER Poindexter: No, my calculations are correct! And DEFORESTATION is another factor that will cause temperatures to rise! Hound: It won't be a problem. Poindexter: I'm sure of it! FRACKING, COAL MINING -- it's all contributing to CLIMATE CHANGE that will be CATACLYSMIC! Hound: It won't be a problem! Poindexter: AUGGH! It's starting to happen just as I predicted! You were WRONG, Hollingsworth Hound! Hound: No, I was right. It's not a problem. The End
Randy B Premium Member over 12 years ago
We’re clearly not all in this together.
Packratjohn Premium Member over 12 years ago
There is none so blind as he who will not see
Linguist over 12 years ago
Climate change is only for the bottom 99% !
Gokie5 over 12 years ago
This Borowitz dispatch goes right along with this week’s strip:
rh Premium Member over 12 years ago
Mr. Hound? I think Duckling misspoke. He meant to say Mr. Koch.
GRLCowan over 12 years ago
Spyderred over 12 years ago
That’s it exactly, and since members of Congress are all hyper-wealthy (or will become so before the end of their first term from “campaign contributions”, there’s no incentive there to do anything. Plus they have special bunkers for any nuclear attacks. So again, it’s only the hoi polloi that will be drowned, burnt or turned into radioactive charcoal.
underwriter over 12 years ago
Overheard in NY pub:“My neighbor’s house floated away and hit a bridge, but his yacht is okay, so everything’s fine. "
Davepostmp over 12 years ago
It’s all them scientists with thar book larnin’ tryin’ to stir up trouble…
Spooky D Cat over 12 years ago
I think the volcanos will have the last word in the climate change debate.
pbarnrob over 12 years ago
These guys better go hollow-out an asteroid, and make it livable, since down here, they’ll still share the same air and water that the rest of us depend on, and it’s ALL getting worse!