Sperm whales can suffer from the bends on deep dives- just like humans! Justina Carias of Belize is the 104-year-old mother to 10 children and more than 700 grandchildren! You are more likely to die on your birthday than on any other day of the year!
Templo S.U.D. about 12 years ago
I have an aunt who’s a mother of ten, but not a grandmother of 700 (don’t know how many grandkids exactly she and her husband have) nor is close to 100 years of age.
lolmaster about 12 years ago
“then”? Really?
htownkev about 12 years ago
Why do we die on our birthday?
quinones.felix about 12 years ago
I agree. My in-laws had 12. Ten reached adulthood and had kids of their own. She is 84 years old and has 37 grandchildren and presently 40 great-grandchildren and counting.
linsonl about 12 years ago
I went to a lot of trouble to learn to speak English correctly. I don’t know why, nobody else seems to.
i_am_the_jam about 12 years ago
Well, my birthday was yesterday, but I’m still here. HA!!
Mneedle about 12 years ago
When will you get tired of calling people Nazis, simply because you don’t agree with them.
lummysdad about 12 years ago
“Then” or “than” wouldn’t matter with any other comic strip; but one that deals with facts….? What else don’t they check?
jackdohany about 12 years ago
Each of Justina’s 10 kids would have had to produce 70 kids for this to be true. So it doesn’t appear that this comic strip deals with facts.
Echo Sam about 12 years ago
Birthday counts the first one. So, all those who died at birth or were stillborn are counted as dying on their birthday.
dtegtmeier51 about 12 years ago
Take your name-calling elsewhere!
LV1951 about 12 years ago
OK “Children!” No one is perfect!
arroyogrande Premium Member about 12 years ago
“Than” any other day of the year. Interesting… but if we are to believe you, spell it correctly.
StrangerCoug about 12 years ago
Thank you for teaching me to be paranoid of people driving home from late-night Christmas parties. (I turn 23 on the 26th.)
goweeder about 12 years ago
I’m beginning to see why we are so terrifying overpopulated. Too bad people (all over the world) can’t grasp the concept of exponential replication.
Buggerlugs about 12 years ago
You have a 100% chance of being born on your birthday.
Thehag about 12 years ago
Ha ha ha so true! It’s the little things that finally finish us off.
comicnut4636 about 12 years ago
You need some anger management as quickly as possible, before you burst an artery.
Stephen Gilberg about 12 years ago
I guess birthday excitement leads to more heart attacks. Or more self-destructive depression.Guinness reports a man who had more children than this woman has grandchildren. A leader, natch.
sartchy about 12 years ago
By “700 grandchildren”, they mean “descendants beyond children” (great-, great-great).
Marvin3 about 12 years ago
We have an expression for the granny with 700 grandchildren here in Japan. We call it a “bubber meiser”.
cwbjunior Premium Member about 12 years ago
ziggman14304 about 12 years ago
I would simply call her lucky to have lived so long. And hope she doesn’t die on her birthday.
edumaz about 12 years ago
@N7326 Foxtrot: If you had learned it really well, your sentence would have read: “…nobody else seems to have”;instead of ending in a preposition.
alan.gurka about 12 years ago
As for the “dying on your birthday,” phenomenon, I’d have to disagree. I’ve looked at obits and headstones and rarely see the same month and date for their birth and death. It’s just another day out of 365 or 366 other days in our calendar.
huntdawumpus Premium Member about 12 years ago
700 Grand children? I think they must be generically grouping any descendants further down from “children” to get to 700, otherwise each one of her children had 70 kids. Impressive, regardless, if they’re implying that they’re all still alive.
joyshanti2 about 12 years ago
That means each of her children had 70 children!!!!
billtomlinson442 about 12 years ago
There is an easy way to remember it, I think. “then” goes with “if”, believe it or not
hab0617 about 12 years ago
You spelled psychopath wrong. You’re welcome. P.S. I prefer to think of myself as a Fascist, or possibly a Decembrist.