Nancy by Olivia Jaimes for December 16, 2012
Caption: nancy By Guy Gilchrist. Sluggo: FORWARD, March---HUP--HUP--2-3-4-'TENSHUN AT-TAT-TAT TAT VROOM ROAR Nancy: You spend too much time with your toy soldiers. Sluggo: Do not. Nancy: Let's go to the pet shop and look at the FISH TANKS. Sluggo: Okay.
blunebottle about 12 years ago
Nancy the General.Sluggo the private.Poor Sluggo.
Phosphoros about 12 years ago
Susan… true! But most (maybe all) of the 20th century wars were started by Democrat presidents. A fact often missed for some odd reason.
Phosphoros about 12 years ago
Small correction: The Persian Gulf war of 1991 is an exception.
amsterama1 about 12 years ago
General Nancy, her first step to taking over the world!
Just Me about 12 years ago
Blah, Blah, Blah…..Let’s see Fritzi in a uniform
sparkle 13 Premium Member about 12 years ago
NOW your’e talking!!!
stanley hastings about 12 years ago
Ok, peeps, let’s not get into political debates on this friendly site!
stanley hastings about 12 years ago
I WILL say ONE thing, though: if the draft is ever reinstated, women as well as men should be in the pool, what with all the fuss in recent years over women wanting to serve!
Max Starman Jones about 12 years ago
Good grief (to coin a funny paper phrase)! About five of you need to go spam “Doonesbury” or some political cartoon. This is Nancy, for cryin’ out loud. This is one place that I go to get away from you political trolls. Please get lost!