Phoebe and Her Unicorn by Dana Simpson for November 15, 2012
Phoebe: All the other leaves have given up, but that one has TENACITY. It doesn't care that it's different, or that it's alone. It inspires me. I'm not going anywhere as long as it doesn't! Except for right now, just real quick. Marigold: Where are you going? Phoebe: Tenacity is easier when you have mittens.
kendallclark1973 over 12 years ago
And hot chocolate. Oooh… and tenacity likes marshmellows. Looks like it’s gotten a little colder… Marigold’s sporting leg warmers now!
bopard over 12 years ago
Watched pots never boil. Deserted leaves must fall.
Happy, happy, happy!!! Premium Member over 12 years ago
…and a quick side trip to the little girls room?tenacity works better with an empty blader…
bopard over 12 years ago
Yada called it yesterday
kaykeyser over 12 years ago
Just watch that leaf fall while she’s gone. Thats a great joke right there. Also staying obsessed too long and going over night or having the leaf destroyed would work too. Wounder if Marigold will end up doing some thing magical to the leaf too?
mauryfrench Premium Member over 12 years ago
If I was a male unicorn or horse I would find Marigold quite hot.
rpmurray over 12 years ago
Mittens? From the way she looked in the third panel I thought she might need to meditate on the white throne.
tirnaaisling over 12 years ago
Tenacity al so likes regular bathroom breaks.
Comic Minister Premium Member over 12 years ago
Hurry back Phoebe!