Monty by Jim Meddick for December 04, 2012
How dare you, young rowdies! Casting snowballs in our vicinity! Step back, sir... Instead of mindless thuggery, no doubt your time would be best spent acquiring skills needed in this economy! Easy, Jarvis! Some flakes nearly touch my collar. Sorry, sir. Perhaps you could wrap up your remarks.
hometownk Premium Member about 12 years ago
Jarvis doesn’t get paid enough.
Varnes about 12 years ago
“And further more….”
Sisyphos about 12 years ago
What a trooper Jarvis is! Between yesterday and today, he’s taken at least a half-dozen direct hits while protecting Sedgwick. And he gets no respect in return for it. You have to admire the guy’s sense of duty.
hometownk Premium Member about 12 years ago
Enough with the political comments. You aren’t the only country that has had unpopular election results.
Randy B Premium Member about 12 years ago
Interpretation of Jarvis’ last comment:“Shut your trap NOW.”
Randy B Premium Member about 12 years ago
The tinfoil one?
smoore47 about 12 years ago
Take it off. You might become enlightened.
swamp_rat about 12 years ago
Aye, we’ve got a bit of a snowball fight ourselves here, I see.
jazzmoose about 12 years ago
Too bad it isn’t unpopular with the population at large, just the losers. You need to take of the helmet and see a shrink.
Bobongo about 12 years ago
Socialist? Compared to what? There was once a president who established the EPA, OSHA, and the Clean Air Act. He supported national daycare, a health care plan much like Obamacare, and even at one point a guaranteed income. His name? Richard Nixon. As Martha Mitchell famously said, “This contry is going so far to the right that you won’t recognize it”.
Go_Canadian about 12 years ago
blah blah blah Stephen Harper is an authoritarian dictator….
tattooedcyberidiot about 12 years ago
Dude, you should visit Australia. We have free health care, compulsory superannuation, mega-strict gun laws and a lot of contented, healthy people.
Hunter7 about 12 years ago
Jarvis has never been paid enough. I think he should enlighten those young rowdies with his own snowball throwing skills.
breishis613 about 12 years ago
Sedgie’s words seem to fall on deaf ears (and deft hands). Damned good shots, those hooligans.
edstiles over 4 years ago
Jarvis deserves a pay raise!