Ben by Daniel Shelton for December 05, 2012

  1. 212
    jackianne1020  over 12 years ago

    Now if he’s smart, he’ll throw it away and move on….but then, this is Ben……..

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  2. Missing large
    PoorPig  over 12 years ago

    It should be unplugged from electricity.

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  3. Little b
    Dani Rice  over 12 years ago

    That’s porbably why it was on his workbench – to be repaired. At least, that’s what my husband tells me.

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  4. Navi avatar jake sully1
    tr.phipps  over 12 years ago

    It most likely has an interlocking attachment that only allows the tool to operate when properly assembled. He doesn’t know what it is or what it does and believes it is broken. Out with the trash it goes. Sometime after the trash is collected, he’ll find the attachment and remember. DOH!

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  5. Siberian tigers 22
    Hunter7  over 12 years ago

    especially if you think it can be fixed.

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