I used to wrap gifts in the funny papers when the kids were little and they’d be just as excited as to what comics they got as they were about the gifts inside.
Actually, our local grocery store now sells cloth bags with various Holiday themes for decoration. Since there is a major move in Colorado to attempt to convince people to give up plastic and paper bags in favor of cloth bags for shopping, I usually pick up some extra Holiday-themed cloth bags whenever I shop, then use the Holiday-themed bags for gift-giving. It is usually a win-win situation. Since most of the people I am giving gifts to are usually fellow Pluggers – I have the advantage of NOT needing to “wrap” anything, and my friends have the advantage of not only NOT needing to “unwrap” anything – but they also have something useful which they do NOT need to gather up and stuff into trash bags when Christmas is over! Don’t know if Go Comics will ever get the Sunday panel posted, but, in today’s Denver Post, the Pluggers are outside, getting ready to put up their Christmas decorations – except they have to take down all of their Hallowe’en decorations first. Of course, where I come from, most Pluggers don’t bother to decorate for Hallowe’en, because they still have some of LAST year’s Christmas decorations still up. (We used to have a neighbor who had Santa riding in a sleigh mounted on his roof. Santa and the sleigh were on the roof all year long. Around Christmas, he turned on the lights, so you could see Santa in the evenings as well as every day!)
Templo S.U.D. about 12 years ago
I got my older sibling a four-volume book; weighs 14 lbs!
cbrsarah about 12 years ago
I’ve got a container that holds wrapping paper. I’m all set.
firedome about 12 years ago
hmmm…a “shoe” box…
Olddog1 about 12 years ago
Get a Christmas tablecloth. Can take care of just about anything.
LeoAutodidact about 12 years ago
I’ve been doing this for a couple decades, now.
My Dad has more fun reading the old “Funnies” than half the presents I get him.
battle of plattsburgh about 12 years ago
Everyone knows that newspapers are only for birthdays.
Herb Thiel Premium Member about 12 years ago
Well, the newspapers just don’t give as much free wrapping paper as they used to.
The Life I Draw Upon about 12 years ago
What a great idea wrapping in comic strips. I haven’t done that in years, and I have several on hand. Thanks.
Redhead55 about 12 years ago
I used to wrap gifts in the funny papers when the kids were little and they’d be just as excited as to what comics they got as they were about the gifts inside.
Gretchen's Mom about 12 years ago
I like to buy all my Christmas wrapping paper for next year on sale the day after Christmas this year!
ossiningaling about 12 years ago
Personally, I go through a lot of monitors…
TikiCarol about 12 years ago
I do this _
K M about 12 years ago
News flash: Most of them use [wait for it] …Wrapping paper! What a concept! And some of them use gift bags! Ooh!
EstrelitaH about 12 years ago
Actually, our local grocery store now sells cloth bags with various Holiday themes for decoration. Since there is a major move in Colorado to attempt to convince people to give up plastic and paper bags in favor of cloth bags for shopping, I usually pick up some extra Holiday-themed cloth bags whenever I shop, then use the Holiday-themed bags for gift-giving. It is usually a win-win situation. Since most of the people I am giving gifts to are usually fellow Pluggers – I have the advantage of NOT needing to “wrap” anything, and my friends have the advantage of not only NOT needing to “unwrap” anything – but they also have something useful which they do NOT need to gather up and stuff into trash bags when Christmas is over! Don’t know if Go Comics will ever get the Sunday panel posted, but, in today’s Denver Post, the Pluggers are outside, getting ready to put up their Christmas decorations – except they have to take down all of their Hallowe’en decorations first. Of course, where I come from, most Pluggers don’t bother to decorate for Hallowe’en, because they still have some of LAST year’s Christmas decorations still up. (We used to have a neighbor who had Santa riding in a sleigh mounted on his roof. Santa and the sleigh were on the roof all year long. Around Christmas, he turned on the lights, so you could see Santa in the evenings as well as every day!)
oldjjay about 12 years ago
Worked at AAA when out of HS, used maps to wrap! Played guess where this place, funner then some my gifts.
Getting Old