I’ll meet you both there for a final toddy for the body, then I’m off for the land of Nod.Hey Red, I don’t know whether you were able to catch the 12-12-12 Hurricane Sandy fundraiser tonight, but he was incredible ( for the most part ). I can’t remember when I saw so many old British musicians on a stage at one time.Seriously, fantastic rock. The Who ( my favorites ), Rolling Stones, the Boss, Bon Jovi, Paul McCartney, did I mention Peter Frampton ?I rarely crank my sound up on the TV but I did at times tonight.
Oh my…. had to have a nap …I confess it was a totally unwilling one in my chair…before grabbing a late bus to Ballard Street…
But it’s not THAT late…. yet no one is out and about….the sidewalks are empty….
Wow… even the Tiki seems to echo ….
The night shift is playing dice….
Here I am, ready to celebrate my probably temporary but nonetheless hard-fought victory over the plumbing demons by buying a round for the house…and there’s no house!
Yoo hoo…. anybody want a drink?
Normally I can’t afford such offers…. but the plumber wanted a minimum of $150… so I said (gulp!) I’ll try it some more myself first….and I did it!
So I figure after buying a few people a drink I’m still ahead….which is the sort of logic that would get me in trouble if I let it….But right now I just want a beer…
It’s been a crazy few days…. but tomorrow…. ah tomorrow…. (which will be whenever I wake up….cos it’s already tomorrow to some of you, but not to me…)
It’s gonna rain outside…but stop by my salon, everybody…It’ll be sunny in there…with pots of coffee and piles of banana bread…I’ll make a big pot of stew… (maybe beef, maybe yak…. depending on whether the Monkey has some yak to spare now…)
Meant to say to Unnormal….I know it’s hard to see it if you’re new to the strip… but actually, it’s quite the reverse.
Mr. Van A isn’t poking fun at a victim, he’s admiring a conqueror…
I’d meant to comment earlier that Norman …ooops…. Henry…. up there gets the Pollyanna of the week award…. He and Sonia can find the silver lining in what to most would be a horrible cloud…
Ballard Street is full of unsung heroes…men and women making the best of their unusual talents and predilections, finding success in failure…admiring and nourishing each others quirks and peculiarities.
No one on Ballard Street, in or out of the strip, would find Henry pathetic or pitiable… instead we salute his ingenuity.That kind of positive attitude is what brings and keeps me here.
Thank you, Sunshine, for shining on my day!I appreciate your gentle, empathetic nature.
You may have noticed that I said that ‘I had found’ the panel heartless; not that it ‘was heartless’. I was hoping someone just like you would come along and clarify the intent. (It IS a subtle one, innit?)
My apologies to Mr Van A. for misjudging his characters . . . Jerry’s character and Henry (Jerry’s character).
Ahhh. The days of youth and the Good Humor man. Can still hear those bells ringing. (Oh that’s my tinnitus) No seriously. Of course I remember milkmen delivery, paper routes done by us kids, door to door Kirby salesmen, just door to door salesmen period. Watching black and white TVs. Riding in a 56 Chevy. Shoving the transmission into reverse destroying it at 70 miles an hour. (Back then they had no safety. Just pull out of Park and move to position) Dad made me ride in the back seat for a while. Drive in Movies. Dirt track races back in Mechanicsburg PA.During the Christmas time, Hanukkah, Kwanza, and any other celebrations you may do:Find FamilyFind LoveFind PeaceAnd Hold on Dearly to Life.It may seem bad. You may be alone. But with God, Allah, Supreme being, whatever you believe in you are not alone.
awlrite…. ah nose ah gots a purty wild maginashun frum tyme ta tyme… butt wut ah saw furst wen ah looked at Sonyuh an Henry wuz…. ahem…well….if’n ya look kinda glansingly at teh hole pikshur… Sonyuhs coin holder is kinda shaped an teh color of a hockey glove… and, uh her belt (as an extenshun frum her hockey glove looks lyke a hockey stick) appears to be disapearing up Henry’s wazoo, which is kinda teh reason old Henry is bend over at that angul… danglin’… lyke a puppet on a stik…. ah mean… jus sayin’..
can ya seas it…?? meybe ah neads more sleap or nuther shot of sumthin…. no, Bev… mah mind aint in the gutter (not shur ware itsat rite now…) oh well…. never mind….
I love this bar, its my kind of place….you guys all are absolute treasures…Susan you are indeed a diplomat…Essex and Linquist, you two are a hoot!…Storm, me too…M.S., I have a black friend who calls us "The Twisted Sisters…Red, you play the Best Music…Veteran, we had the same childhood…play all day, but straight home when the streetlights came on…no one worried about us, and if we were caught doing something wrong, we got it from that adult, heard comments from neighbors, then really got it once we got home…I think I am taking Monkeys (the oh so generous and talented Sheriff) gift of a spa day today and heading to Susans for mud bathing and chocolate cake and banana bread (yes both, I was told to gain some weight!) and a couple of those famous (or infamous) ‘nanner daquiri’s if the Tiki will deliver about a third of a grinder – just to keep us well lubricated ya know…
“Fraid I’m going a little OTT as the time approaches to bend 5 weeks with him (only 5 days now). I can’t wait to be able to relax and help him sort out all the parts in his basement (he puts things like that off as I do with my garage.
That is the wonderful think about Ballard Street we see so many successes and wonderful attempts at being different. He was not making fun of the disease. He is showing someone who made success over the disease by using it to his full advantage. In college we did an experiment by place a ten dollar bill on the ground by the outside corner of a store at the front entrance. It was not hidden just laying flat open. One out of twenty saw the money. It demonstrated that most never look at where they are stepping. I don’t mean just to stare at the ground. I did that in Nam looking for traps and trip wires. Just looking down occasionally. I do it a lot basically I think from training and just like to see all my surroundings.
Linda just left…. we’ve been having a good time at the salon, courtesy of the Monkey… Banana daiquiris all afternoon, which I never do…. but they were doing some work on the street and we couldn’t go out there for hours.Did anybody else run into that construction problem? I was even blocked from the back door to get to the other strips…. um…malls… that’s it, strip malls….
I guess that’s why not too many stopped by the salon….Plenty of stew and banana bread and cake left….and Tiki Bar “armadillo eggs”….a few daiquiris…. The wheat bread has cooled off but it’s still delicious.
I don’t know why I look down…. partly, I suppose, because I have bad knees and used to trip a lot….
Over the years, I’ve found many things on the street that others missed…. including a $20 bill or two.A few years ago, I picked up one right outside the doorway to a shop, after watching several people step right over it as I walked towards it.
Oh… but I’m not sportsminded….I didn’t see it as anything to do with hockey, or the coin changer as a glove…. I saw some sort of big handle on the long stick poor Henry is almost dangling from.
And Monkey, after your first post…. that can of WD40 looks…. well…. almost ominous…. or at least…well…. you know.I mean…. no, I won’t go there.
and @SS:RE: Yeah, on my way here I met up with this. Couldn’t tell what was going on. Thought maybe they banished me or something."-———————————-it wernt construkshun…. sumbuddy lost this off teh back of theyr truk….it mite take a wile ta moove it to… -——————
but thars help on teh whey….wun of teh local fire fiters is volunteerin… says he owes Stel an SuSun an Bev an Stormy a “FAVOR”…. (wutever… no queschuns frum ME)
@pcolli, He will make all the decisions about what and where it gets stored. He was buying too much (motors of the popular sizes, thermostats, thermocouples, capacitors). We just need to find a way to keep them organized so maybe he can use them up and decide to retire a little sooner. (we women always have some ulterior motives) but really I just love being with him in any way. We are both similar personalities who are likely to have too many projects going on and cluttering up the house ;-D
@Susan, Sure glad nobody actually reads the comments this time of day…..I think I made that unfortunate first comment too early so I deleted it. I was reacting to Veteran’s remarks about how we all have some physical problems as we grow older. I was just so pleasantly surprized last July that my children saw me only 2 days out of more than 3 weeks. He and I joked that although she had one of many wedding parties, WE had the honeymoon!Photo from my youngest son’s phone (he was 50 this year) and I think he asked us something slightly embarrasing.
@Essex, sorry! You need to get YOUR girlfriend to help with your basement (or whatever). I always share my recipes, but anything else is ONLY for him. I have loved him more than 40 years now.
I’m still not too sure about how Henry is supported here (and in the comment of 4 HRs ago I said I would “bend 5 weeks” (“spend”). We are both lucky to be using no meds and only have to adapt here and there. I had bad enamel on teeth from childhood and twisted ankle while gardening (no running now) and he has a few bad disks in lower back (does not want to have fusion as it would interfere with (work). He still singlehanded runs his HVAC business of many decades. He also convinced me back in the 70s to switch my work from control panels to construction design of MEP (mechanical, electrical, plumbing).
@Linda, this weekend in prep fro my trip I will be doing my hair and a mani-pedi (no polish on toenails, I just file them really close as I tend to have my toes curling up a LOT). I use a pale pink polish on my nails (cannot take polish or remover with me on plane). That will all last fine for 5 weeks across the country, and I will leave a whole lot more back there this time. I need to ship back my best sewing scissors, pin cushion etc. but many things will be staying there as I definately need to spend 2 months there per year (cannot do more unless I sell this lovely house). .I cannot use the services of Susan’s salon as she is in the opposite direction from where I’m going.
Essex…. an off-the-wall remark seldom gets past me, but I have to confess with some embarrassment to not understanding about the PBJ sandwiches…..Maybe it’s cos I’ve never been to Kentucky?Can you explain w/o violating any community standards and getting in trouble with the Sheriff?Speaking of whom…..Monkey!What makes you think that we ladies of “a certain age” would want to run…a road…. um… a road….er…. crew……(sorry, I got distracted)…..my, my…..it’s… um…. a bit warm out on the highway…. don’t you think?
But y’know….
one difference between men and women, I think (well, except for maybe Ms. Beviek) :women are more practical….I mean, I find at least a few grey hairs and a potbelly on a man somewhat comforting…. ….cos when I look at junior there, I think,“Very nice eye-candy…. but wow, am I ever glad he can’t see ME.”Whereas you old goa ….. gentlemen are still willing to abandon ship (or even leave your own bar!) the minute lil’ Heidi there looks your way…cos you just know she’s waiting for you.
Also…. once again…..I don’t want MargueriteM, or even xTech, to think I haven’t been doing my job…. so I will remind you all….StelBel is a distributor, at her retail locations, of Marg and Susan’s Ultra Super-Strength Brain Bleach™…with home offices in Crustwood, Illinois…
I am the director of product development and placement, and also handle wholesale accounts, and sell M&S BB at MY retail establishment….but actual manufacturing, R&D and and wholesale delivery are handled by x_Tech Industries, located right here in Ballard County.
It is indeed sold on tap at the Tiki…. the Monkey is a wholesale customer for our pipeline service ….(I do give him a break for all the um…help… he gives me…)
Back in Crustwood over the last week or so, I introduced a couple of new products that I hadn’t yet offered on Ballard Street….
and just for the holidays….
Reminder, when you think “Brain Bleach”, think Marg and Susan’s!(And just for Marg…. remember the first two words rhyme with Bargain, not Margin….it’s a hard G)
OH…. Essex! I’m so sorry….but of course!Where was my brain?Not in it’s usual place, obviously.Didn’t even need to click the link before slapping my own face….
DAZZ just skimming the comments here, there are so many! LOL! Reminds me of another time and place here at gocomics. Anywho, will we be hearing from you at all while you are on your travels?
Who will care for your birds?
And I will also add, LADY! If I make it as far as you, I hope I have the same drive, health and spirit!
Dry, I beg your pardon, but Marg and I are in communication….though not while she’s away right now.But as you may be able to tell by my references to her in Crustwood, I happen to know her whereabouts….
She does care about our Brain Bleach…In fact she asked me to take care of her part of of it till she gets back.She would NEVER take more than her fair share of the profits, as we both see Brain Bleach as a future source of retirement income, perhaps in Ballard County…. or at least far from Crustwood, though we do have dear friends there to visit…. (but NOT Burl and Joy.)
I don’t feel the least bit “stuck” on Ballard Street…. I find it a delightful place, where, in fact, many made an effort to welcome you and even made you birthday cakes.
Susan I just caught the part of your post before the last one, I was more worked up about Marg, LOL! My that girl can raise a ruckus! ROFLMAO! She sure has a LOT of friends around here!
“I don’t feel the least bit “stuck” on Ballard Street…. I find it a delightful place, where, in fact, many made an effort to welcome you and even made you birthday cake”
I didn’t mean stuck in a bad way, and I really DID appreciate my birthday party! You guys are neat and funny and witty. And I mean that, truly!
And with that all being said, and hopefully everything is okay now, I will say goodnight and all of you rest well.
OK Ladies ! There’s no need for my favorite denizens of Ballard Street to have a misunderstanding – especially, about Brain Bleach. Susan, we all know how hard you and Marg worked ( along with xTech ) on development, production and distribution of Marg & Susan’s products. We also know that you are a super kind, sensitive, beautiful person who goes the extra mile for everyone.Dry, you rock ! I wish I had half your vitality.Storm, you too, are an incredibly vivacious, dynamic woman who has overcome everything to succeed and make everyone happy.Linda Dean, same goes for you !Not that I don’t care for those lovely ladies like Bev and Dazz who are “spoken” for, but I am, in spite of being a bit of a buccaneer, a gentleman ( I hope ).Anyway, I love you all !!!Tonight is Ladies Night at the Tiki and drinks are on me !
I’d be traumatized too ! You were dancing with Big Bruce Bonkowski aka Bertha the Battler. He always dresses up for Ladies Night, thinking he can drink for free all night .He did say he thought you were " kinda cute ".
Spinal stenosis is always funny! Maybe he can throw in a few panels pointing out how funny amputees are, or people who’ve suffered strokes! Diasppointed he went there with this strip.
Linguist about 12 years ago
Sonia obviously was a Good Humor driver in her past life.
Linguist about 12 years ago
All I can think of is: " Bend down, spread your …, and smile! "I definitely need to get some rest !
Linguist about 12 years ago
Felicia is much better than Clyde’s Chiropractic, Cardiology.and Carpentry Center – also known as Back Acres, Heart Breakers & Cabinet Makers.
Linguist about 12 years ago
I’ll meet you both there for a final toddy for the body, then I’m off for the land of Nod.Hey Red, I don’t know whether you were able to catch the 12-12-12 Hurricane Sandy fundraiser tonight, but he was incredible ( for the most part ). I can’t remember when I saw so many old British musicians on a stage at one time.Seriously, fantastic rock. The Who ( my favorites ), Rolling Stones, the Boss, Bon Jovi, Paul McCartney, did I mention Peter Frampton ?I rarely crank my sound up on the TV but I did at times tonight.
unnormal about 12 years ago
At the risk of being considered an intruder, I would like to comment on Mr Amerongen’s offering:
In the three years I have been a gocomics follower this is the first comic I have found to be so unmitigatingly heartless .
SusanSunshine Premium Member about 12 years ago
Oh my…. had to have a nap …I confess it was a totally unwilling one in my chair…before grabbing a late bus to Ballard Street…
But it’s not THAT late…. yet no one is out and about….the sidewalks are empty….
Wow… even the Tiki seems to echo ….
The night shift is playing dice….
Here I am, ready to celebrate my probably temporary but nonetheless hard-fought victory over the plumbing demons by buying a round for the house…and there’s no house!
Yoo hoo…. anybody want a drink?
Normally I can’t afford such offers…. but the plumber wanted a minimum of $150… so I said (gulp!) I’ll try it some more myself first….and I did it!
So I figure after buying a few people a drink I’m still ahead….which is the sort of logic that would get me in trouble if I let it….But right now I just want a beer…
SusanSunshine Premium Member about 12 years ago
It’s been a crazy few days…. but tomorrow…. ah tomorrow…. (which will be whenever I wake up….cos it’s already tomorrow to some of you, but not to me…)
It’s gonna rain outside…but stop by my salon, everybody…It’ll be sunny in there…with pots of coffee and piles of banana bread…I’ll make a big pot of stew… (maybe beef, maybe yak…. depending on whether the Monkey has some yak to spare now…)
and maybe I’ll even bake some bread….
And a big chocolate cake!
Come on by!
But for now…. good night….
SusanSunshine Premium Member about 12 years ago
Meant to say to Unnormal….I know it’s hard to see it if you’re new to the strip… but actually, it’s quite the reverse.
Mr. Van A isn’t poking fun at a victim, he’s admiring a conqueror…
I’d meant to comment earlier that Norman …ooops…. Henry…. up there gets the Pollyanna of the week award…. He and Sonia can find the silver lining in what to most would be a horrible cloud…
Ballard Street is full of unsung heroes…men and women making the best of their unusual talents and predilections, finding success in failure…admiring and nourishing each others quirks and peculiarities.
No one on Ballard Street, in or out of the strip, would find Henry pathetic or pitiable… instead we salute his ingenuity.That kind of positive attitude is what brings and keeps me here.
unnormal about 12 years ago
Thank you, Sunshine, for shining on my day!I appreciate your gentle, empathetic nature.
You may have noticed that I said that ‘I had found’ the panel heartless; not that it ‘was heartless’. I was hoping someone just like you would come along and clarify the intent. (It IS a subtle one, innit?)
My apologies to Mr Van A. for misjudging his characters . . . Jerry’s character and Henry (Jerry’s character).
Plods with ...™ about 12 years ago
Before I read the description, I thought he had a case of tiny bladder syndrome.
Vet Premium Member about 12 years ago
Watch out for the parking mete……..oops.
Vet Premium Member about 12 years ago
Ahhh. The days of youth and the Good Humor man. Can still hear those bells ringing. (Oh that’s my tinnitus) No seriously. Of course I remember milkmen delivery, paper routes done by us kids, door to door Kirby salesmen, just door to door salesmen period. Watching black and white TVs. Riding in a 56 Chevy. Shoving the transmission into reverse destroying it at 70 miles an hour. (Back then they had no safety. Just pull out of Park and move to position) Dad made me ride in the back seat for a while. Drive in Movies. Dirt track races back in Mechanicsburg PA.During the Christmas time, Hanukkah, Kwanza, and any other celebrations you may do:Find FamilyFind LoveFind PeaceAnd Hold on Dearly to Life.It may seem bad. You may be alone. But with God, Allah, Supreme being, whatever you believe in you are not alone.
LadyLavendar about 12 years ago
Yes I remember those days. Everyone knew everyone and if you did something wrong your parents found out and oh when you got home.
Dr Sheriff MB esq PhD DML about 12 years ago
awlrite…. ah nose ah gots a purty wild maginashun frum tyme ta tyme… butt wut ah saw furst wen ah looked at Sonyuh an Henry wuz…. ahem…well….if’n ya look kinda glansingly at teh hole pikshur… Sonyuhs coin holder is kinda shaped an teh color of a hockey glove… and, uh her belt (as an extenshun frum her hockey glove looks lyke a hockey stick) appears to be disapearing up Henry’s wazoo, which is kinda teh reason old Henry is bend over at that angul… danglin’… lyke a puppet on a stik…. ah mean… jus sayin’..
can ya seas it…?? meybe ah neads more sleap or nuther shot of sumthin…. no, Bev… mah mind aint in the gutter (not shur ware itsat rite now…) oh well…. never mind….
Linda Solomon about 12 years ago
I love this bar, its my kind of place….you guys all are absolute treasures…Susan you are indeed a diplomat…Essex and Linquist, you two are a hoot!…Storm, me too…M.S., I have a black friend who calls us "The Twisted Sisters…Red, you play the Best Music…Veteran, we had the same childhood…play all day, but straight home when the streetlights came on…no one worried about us, and if we were caught doing something wrong, we got it from that adult, heard comments from neighbors, then really got it once we got home…I think I am taking Monkeys (the oh so generous and talented Sheriff) gift of a spa day today and heading to Susans for mud bathing and chocolate cake and banana bread (yes both, I was told to gain some weight!) and a couple of those famous (or infamous) ‘nanner daquiri’s if the Tiki will deliver about a third of a grinder – just to keep us well lubricated ya know…
Dr Sheriff MB esq PhD DML about 12 years ago
hay Ess…. izzat 30 wait er 40 wait…. (LDean is kina on teh skinny side an she jus mite git by wit sum WD… jus sayin’)
vldazzle about 12 years ago
“Fraid I’m going a little OTT as the time approaches to bend 5 weeks with him (only 5 days now). I can’t wait to be able to relax and help him sort out all the parts in his basement (he puts things like that off as I do with my garage.
Vet Premium Member about 12 years ago
I like Abby. Abby Normal.
Vet Premium Member about 12 years ago
That is the wonderful think about Ballard Street we see so many successes and wonderful attempts at being different. He was not making fun of the disease. He is showing someone who made success over the disease by using it to his full advantage. In college we did an experiment by place a ten dollar bill on the ground by the outside corner of a store at the front entrance. It was not hidden just laying flat open. One out of twenty saw the money. It demonstrated that most never look at where they are stepping. I don’t mean just to stare at the ground. I did that in Nam looking for traps and trip wires. Just looking down occasionally. I do it a lot basically I think from training and just like to see all my surroundings.
SusanSunshine Premium Member about 12 years ago
Whew!Hello all….
Linda just left…. we’ve been having a good time at the salon, courtesy of the Monkey… Banana daiquiris all afternoon, which I never do…. but they were doing some work on the street and we couldn’t go out there for hours.Did anybody else run into that construction problem? I was even blocked from the back door to get to the other strips…. um…malls… that’s it, strip malls….
I guess that’s why not too many stopped by the salon….Plenty of stew and banana bread and cake left….and Tiki Bar “armadillo eggs”….a few daiquiris…. The wheat bread has cooled off but it’s still delicious.
Come on by!
SusanSunshine Premium Member about 12 years ago
Essex…. thank you!I wish… Sort of.
I was always more one for letting work find ME…I’ve had an interesting life but not a financially rewarding one.
No regrets…. though I admit to the late realisation that I should have found out more about the social security system.
SusanSunshine Premium Member about 12 years ago
Veteran me too!
I don’t know why I look down…. partly, I suppose, because I have bad knees and used to trip a lot….
Over the years, I’ve found many things on the street that others missed…. including a $20 bill or two.A few years ago, I picked up one right outside the doorway to a shop, after watching several people step right over it as I walked towards it.
SusanSunshine Premium Member about 12 years ago
Stel! I was just about to ask where you were.And Bev…. I wondered whether either of you had been caught in the street construction.
SusanSunshine Premium Member about 12 years ago
OK…. gonna confess.When I first looked at the strip it was about 1am Western Ballard County time….I saw it exactly as the Monkey did…(blush)
I was dumbfounded to think JVA would draw such a thing… …. till I finally tore my eyes away to read the caption… ooops….
And I didn’t want to mention it…. cos you’d all think I’m that kind of girl….(blush)not that I’m denying it….
(Bigger blush)SusanSunshine Premium Member about 12 years ago
Oh… but I’m not sportsminded….I didn’t see it as anything to do with hockey, or the coin changer as a glove…. I saw some sort of big handle on the long stick poor Henry is almost dangling from.
And Monkey, after your first post…. that can of WD40 looks…. well…. almost ominous…. or at least…well…. you know.I mean…. no, I won’t go there.
OK, I’ll be good now.Honest.
SusanSunshine Premium Member about 12 years ago
Sure glad nobody actually reads the comments this time of day….
OH! Essex!Um… you didn’t happen to rea…. um…never mind….
Dr Sheriff MB esq PhD DML about 12 years ago
and @SS:RE: Yeah, on my way here I met up with this. Couldn’t tell what was going on. Thought maybe they banished me or something."-———————————-it wernt construkshun…. sumbuddy lost this off teh back of theyr truk….it mite take a wile ta moove it to… -——————
Dr Sheriff MB esq PhD DML about 12 years ago
but thars help on teh whey….wun of teh local fire fiters is volunteerin… says he owes Stel an SuSun an Bev an Stormy a “FAVOR”…. (wutever… no queschuns frum ME)
Dr Sheriff MB esq PhD DML about 12 years ago
(pssst…. hey Suz…. is he wwun of yer customurs??)
Dr Sheriff MB esq PhD DML about 12 years ago
oh…. an Stel… ahm gonna needs sum Xtra strenth brain bleech…. reel quik…!!!
Dr Sheriff MB esq PhD DML about 12 years ago
bet he’s got a “short fuze”….. jus sayin’
vldazzle about 12 years ago
@pcolli, He will make all the decisions about what and where it gets stored. He was buying too much (motors of the popular sizes, thermostats, thermocouples, capacitors). We just need to find a way to keep them organized so maybe he can use them up and decide to retire a little sooner. (we women always have some ulterior motives) but really I just love being with him in any way. We are both similar personalities who are likely to have too many projects going on and cluttering up the house ;-D
vldazzle about 12 years ago
@Susan, Sure glad nobody actually reads the comments this time of day…..I think I made that unfortunate first comment too early so I deleted it. I was reacting to Veteran’s remarks about how we all have some physical problems as we grow older. I was just so pleasantly surprized last July that my children saw me only 2 days out of more than 3 weeks. He and I joked that although she had one of many wedding parties, WE had the honeymoon!Photo from my youngest son’s phone (he was 50 this year) and I think he asked us something slightly embarrasing.
Dr Sheriff MB esq PhD DML about 12 years ago
its in teh DOSAGE Ess, its in teh DOSAGE… ahm tellin ya…!!!!-————————-
vldazzle about 12 years ago
@Essex, sorry! You need to get YOUR girlfriend to help with your basement (or whatever). I always share my recipes, but anything else is ONLY for him. I have loved him more than 40 years now.
Dr Sheriff MB esq PhD DML about 12 years ago
their waitin’ fer us Ess…!!!! Less GO..!!!-——————————
Dr Sheriff MB esq PhD DML about 12 years ago
(catch up wit ya layder SS… got sum reserch ta do…)
Dr Sheriff MB esq PhD DML about 12 years ago
Waait up Ess…!!! Hey witch is bigger a liter or a kwart..??lets stop an aks Ling… he nose…!!!
Dr Sheriff MB esq PhD DML about 12 years ago
(ah hopes teh wimmens dont git mad we left em in charge of teh road repare crew)
vldazzle about 12 years ago
I’m still not too sure about how Henry is supported here (and in the comment of 4 HRs ago I said I would “bend 5 weeks” (“spend”). We are both lucky to be using no meds and only have to adapt here and there. I had bad enamel on teeth from childhood and twisted ankle while gardening (no running now) and he has a few bad disks in lower back (does not want to have fusion as it would interfere with (work). He still singlehanded runs his HVAC business of many decades. He also convinced me back in the 70s to switch my work from control panels to construction design of MEP (mechanical, electrical, plumbing).
vldazzle about 12 years ago
@Linda, this weekend in prep fro my trip I will be doing my hair and a mani-pedi (no polish on toenails, I just file them really close as I tend to have my toes curling up a LOT). I use a pale pink polish on my nails (cannot take polish or remover with me on plane). That will all last fine for 5 weeks across the country, and I will leave a whole lot more back there this time. I need to ship back my best sewing scissors, pin cushion etc. but many things will be staying there as I definately need to spend 2 months there per year (cannot do more unless I sell this lovely house). .I cannot use the services of Susan’s salon as she is in the opposite direction from where I’m going.
Storm F-1/4 about 12 years ago
But before I go, hope ya’ll view this, and give a thought this time around.
and a prayer-———————————————————————Amen.
SusanSunshine Premium Member about 12 years ago
Evenin’ all…..
Essex…. an off-the-wall remark seldom gets past me, but I have to confess with some embarrassment to not understanding about the PBJ sandwiches…..Maybe it’s cos I’ve never been to Kentucky?Can you explain w/o violating any community standards and getting in trouble with the Sheriff?Speaking of whom…..Monkey!What makes you think that we ladies of “a certain age” would want to run…a road…. um… a road….er…. crew……(sorry, I got distracted)…..my, my…..it’s… um…. a bit warm out on the highway…. don’t you think?
But y’know….one difference between men and women, I think (well, except for maybe Ms. Beviek) :women are more practical….I mean, I find at least a few grey hairs and a potbelly on a man somewhat comforting…. ….cos when I look at junior there, I think,“Very nice eye-candy…. but wow, am I ever glad he can’t see ME.”Whereas you old goa ….. gentlemen are still willing to abandon ship (or even leave your own bar!) the minute lil’ Heidi there looks your way…cos you just know she’s waiting for you.
SusanSunshine Premium Member about 12 years ago
Also…. once again…..I don’t want MargueriteM, or even xTech, to think I haven’t been doing my job…. so I will remind you all….StelBel is a distributor, at her retail locations, of Marg and Susan’s Ultra Super-Strength Brain Bleach™…with home offices in Crustwood, Illinois…
I am the director of product development and placement, and also handle wholesale accounts, and sell M&S BB at MY retail establishment….but actual manufacturing, R&D and and wholesale delivery are handled by x_Tech Industries, located right here in Ballard County.
It is indeed sold on tap at the Tiki…. the Monkey is a wholesale customer for our pipeline service ….(I do give him a break for all the um…help… he gives me…)
Back in Crustwood over the last week or so, I introduced a couple of new products that I hadn’t yet offered on Ballard Street….
and just for the holidays….
Reminder, when you think “Brain Bleach”, think Marg and Susan’s!(And just for Marg…. remember the first two words rhyme with Bargain, not Margin….it’s a hard G)
SusanSunshine Premium Member about 12 years ago
OH…. Essex! I’m so sorry….but of course!Where was my brain?Not in it’s usual place, obviously.Didn’t even need to click the link before slapping my own face….
Dry and Dusty Premium Member about 12 years ago
DAZZ just skimming the comments here, there are so many! LOL! Reminds me of another time and place here at gocomics. Anywho, will we be hearing from you at all while you are on your travels?
Who will care for your birds?
And I will also add, LADY! If I make it as far as you, I hope I have the same drive, health and spirit!
Dry and Dusty Premium Member about 12 years ago
Essex60 I guess it depends on whether I have to look at Hairy Jerry in his spandex or not! :-D
SusanSunshine Premium Member about 12 years ago
Dry, I beg your pardon, but Marg and I are in communication….though not while she’s away right now.But as you may be able to tell by my references to her in Crustwood, I happen to know her whereabouts….
She does care about our Brain Bleach…In fact she asked me to take care of her part of of it till she gets back.She would NEVER take more than her fair share of the profits, as we both see Brain Bleach as a future source of retirement income, perhaps in Ballard County…. or at least far from Crustwood, though we do have dear friends there to visit…. (but NOT Burl and Joy.)
I don’t feel the least bit “stuck” on Ballard Street…. I find it a delightful place, where, in fact, many made an effort to welcome you and even made you birthday cakes.
SusanSunshine Premium Member about 12 years ago
Dry…. sorry….I was just being facetious myself!
My indignation is just as real as… well, you know…. a lot of things here….
Dry and Dusty Premium Member about 12 years ago
Susan I just caught the part of your post before the last one, I was more worked up about Marg, LOL! My that girl can raise a ruckus! ROFLMAO! She sure has a LOT of friends around here!
“I don’t feel the least bit “stuck” on Ballard Street…. I find it a delightful place, where, in fact, many made an effort to welcome you and even made you birthday cake”
I didn’t mean stuck in a bad way, and I really DID appreciate my birthday party! You guys are neat and funny and witty. And I mean that, truly!
And with that all being said, and hopefully everything is okay now, I will say goodnight and all of you rest well.
Linguist about 12 years ago
OK Ladies ! There’s no need for my favorite denizens of Ballard Street to have a misunderstanding – especially, about Brain Bleach. Susan, we all know how hard you and Marg worked ( along with xTech ) on development, production and distribution of Marg & Susan’s products. We also know that you are a super kind, sensitive, beautiful person who goes the extra mile for everyone.Dry, you rock ! I wish I had half your vitality.Storm, you too, are an incredibly vivacious, dynamic woman who has overcome everything to succeed and make everyone happy.Linda Dean, same goes for you !Not that I don’t care for those lovely ladies like Bev and Dazz who are “spoken” for, but I am, in spite of being a bit of a buccaneer, a gentleman ( I hope ).Anyway, I love you all !!!Tonight is Ladies Night at the Tiki and drinks are on me !
Dry and Dusty Premium Member about 12 years ago
Again, good night all! As they say in the commercial “keep the light on!” :-)
Linguist about 12 years ago
I’d be traumatized too ! You were dancing with Big Bruce Bonkowski aka Bertha the Battler. He always dresses up for Ladies Night, thinking he can drink for free all night .He did say he thought you were " kinda cute ".
Linda Solomon about 12 years ago
if you have a quart of Valvoline and a quart of puppies, the puppies will win every time…at least to most of us woosie hearted B.S’r’s….
Linda Solomon about 12 years ago
Just cuz its killer
Dr Sheriff MB esq PhD DML about 12 years ago
(burp*)……. Nitey……
TooMuchCoffeeMan over 11 years ago
Spinal stenosis is always funny! Maybe he can throw in a few panels pointing out how funny amputees are, or people who’ve suffered strokes! Diasppointed he went there with this strip.
Tigressy about 2 years ago
The Dance of the Super Plump Kibble Fairy – who could resist that?
Dry and Dusty Premium Member about 2 years ago
Good morning Balladeers, (((((Plods))))) and Miss Susan.