It seems to me the real point is that management cut worker’s salaries while tripling their own. That doesn’t exactly reflect a desire to save the company money, regardless of the relative amounts.
It’s always pretty brazen that the reindeer (workers) think they own the company to the point of dictating to Santa (boss/owners) how the company should be run. If they want to be entitled to run a company they should quit and start their OWN company and then compete with Santa. Santa should fire their candy cane butts and hire plenty of new reindeer that’d LOVE to have a job at all!
Of course you need workers, but when it gets to the point to where workers get so demanding I believe that they should be fired. Like I said, there’s PLENTY of other people that would love to take their place for even a lower paying salary!
The Twinkies situation looks bad. Management doubled their compensation and the Workers are comfortable with 99 weeks of unemployment benefits. Now, if there was NO incentive to quit- then Twinkies would survive.
I say it was both, bad management and bad union. If either sad had not made mistakes then they may have survived, but with both sides screwing up, pointing the finger at the other the company could not survive.
What good would the Executives and CEO get by raising their salaries and going out of business. They won’t get much money after that, its like giving yourself a pay raise you won’t get to enjoy for long.
The union itself could have compromised more and not gone on strike when it would break the company. Guess it depends if potentially losing your job is worth the principle of it or not.
From what I’ve heard too the union had bad management issues too, that there was never an official vote to go on strike by its members.
grey2112 about 12 years ago
First the unions kill the Twinkie, now they’re going after Santa? For shame!
battle of plattsburgh about 12 years ago
The North Pole is not a Right-to-Fly state.
btirva5940 about 12 years ago
The unions did NOT kill the Twinkie, the greedy CEOs killed the twinkie.
ncalifgirl58 about 12 years ago
Those reindeer look like thugs. lol
Poollady about 12 years ago
That’s why Santa’s $10,000 sleigh cost him $28,000
Bob Blumenfeld about 12 years ago
It seems to me the real point is that management cut worker’s salaries while tripling their own. That doesn’t exactly reflect a desire to save the company money, regardless of the relative amounts.
Don Winchester Premium Member about 12 years ago
It’s always pretty brazen that the reindeer (workers) think they own the company to the point of dictating to Santa (boss/owners) how the company should be run. If they want to be entitled to run a company they should quit and start their OWN company and then compete with Santa. Santa should fire their candy cane butts and hire plenty of new reindeer that’d LOVE to have a job at all!
Don Winchester Premium Member about 12 years ago
Of course you need workers, but when it gets to the point to where workers get so demanding I believe that they should be fired. Like I said, there’s PLENTY of other people that would love to take their place for even a lower paying salary!
FUNG1 about 12 years ago
I thought the ’toon was a good one. How does one go from a cartoon to a “orange-crate”? Too much B.S. for a sunday morning toon reader.
Fuzzy Thinker Premium Member about 12 years ago
The Twinkies situation looks bad. Management doubled their compensation and the Workers are comfortable with 99 weeks of unemployment benefits. Now, if there was NO incentive to quit- then Twinkies would survive.
angelfiredragon about 12 years ago
I say it was both, bad management and bad union. If either sad had not made mistakes then they may have survived, but with both sides screwing up, pointing the finger at the other the company could not survive.
What good would the Executives and CEO get by raising their salaries and going out of business. They won’t get much money after that, its like giving yourself a pay raise you won’t get to enjoy for long.
The union itself could have compromised more and not gone on strike when it would break the company. Guess it depends if potentially losing your job is worth the principle of it or not.
From what I’ve heard too the union had bad management issues too, that there was never an official vote to go on strike by its members.