Over the Hedge by T Lewis and Michael Fry for December 10, 2012
RJ: We have to save christmas!! verne: Wait. isn't that where we were a week ago? RJ: We got distracted by the twinkie crisis thing. verne: I hope santa's ok on that melting ice floe. relax....it's the north pole. how fast could it melt?.... elf: still on hold with 911? santa: ..he sees you when you're sleeping. he knows when you're awake.... great...the peeping santa song.
vwdualnomand about 12 years ago
i thought he left for china, since that is where everything is made now…that is where he makes the ipads, designer clothes, etc…all using slave labor. and, sub-contracts out the make the mercedes benz s class.
pschearer Premium Member about 12 years ago
I remember as a kid in 1956 how the U.S.S. Nautilus, the world’s first nuclear sub, surfaced at the North Pole through a mere six inches of ice. Sometimes there’s more, sometimes less, as with any weather phenomenon. Nature does what it’s going to do, and man has little to do with it.
Plods with ...™ about 12 years ago
THANK YOU! I hoped someone would give me a hand with that.
stpfeffer about 12 years ago
C.mon people! Turn off Fox News! The “record” ice spread over the past few years is a result of the melting, not the cooling of the earth. For the facts, go read what all the respectable, peer-reviewed climate scientists were saying a few weeks ago at the climate summit in Qatar. The consensus on what is REALLY happening to this planet due to the burning of fossil fuels is enough to keep one awake at night.
HMunster about 12 years ago
I’d be plenty worried if I were that elf.Santa’s gonna get hungry pretty soon and start imagining that elf-boy is a golden, juicy, cooked turkey… : (
macsj about 12 years ago
It’s a comic people! Get over it.
pschearer Premium Member about 12 years ago
It is supremely ironic that you accuse viewers of Fox News as having no thought processes. An obedient, compliant public has always been the ideal of the Left; it is the Right that has (too often inconsistently) been on the side of independence and self-reliance. Do you ever actually watch Fox News or are you just parroting MSNBC (which, yes, I do watch too, at least until they turn my stomach).
rockngolfer about 12 years ago
I didn’t know they had webcams way up there.On the Outer Banks of NC they still have about 25 webcams and 5 or so that don’t work anymore after Hurricane Sandy.
JettaJ about 12 years ago
As the holder of three degrees, and with all six of my TVs pre-tuned to Fox News, I must take issue with Mr. Pfeffer. I have conquered my 60 year addiction to Liberal/Progressivism and I suggest he turn on Fox News and learn something.
alviebird about 12 years ago
The amount of sea ice melt and glacial melt is obvious to anyone willing to see it. But as to how much the burning of fossil fuels and other man-made activities has to do with it is highly debatable. Now, I did not say that it doesn’t have anything to do with it. And it could even be the main cause. But it could also be a natural climate swing, or any combination of the two. (Janis Joplin, anyone?)
People who introduce unsubstantiated “facts” into a debate, no matter how likely they may be true, only hurt their own side. It is time to stop arguing for the sake of argument, and seek the truth. And answers.
cutiepie29 about 12 years ago
What? Do you realize just how stupid and impossible that statement is (at least at face value)? I have no idea what you intended to say, but what you wrote is idiotic.
kzcreations.com about 12 years ago
He might have to move to the south pole.
kzcreations.com about 12 years ago
Same goes for the polar bears. Too bad for the penguins.