New Adventures of Queen Victoria by Pab Sungenis for October 06, 2008

  1. Beau close up
    mivins  over 16 years ago

    Bwahhh hahahahah!

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  2. Ssn585
    Subtorp401  over 16 years ago

    And the “cold war” is reborn. I never did like Putin, or any Commie for that matter.

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  3. Poodie
    stepherb Premium Member over 16 years ago

    I first saw this at 6:00 a.m. and I am still laughing! You ARE Terry Gilliam! You ARE!!

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  4. C7a50b653e
    usuksoapfan  over 16 years ago

    Czar Putin meet HRH Queen Victoria!

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  5. Image14
    ChiehHsia  over 16 years ago

    Oh, if only his head COULD be removed.

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    Pab Sungenis creator over 16 years ago

    A reader from the Czech Republic E-Mailed me back when Sarah Palin made her first appearance in the strip on September 27th asking if I could do something about the “Putin rears his head” remark, since a lot of people in Eastern Europe are rightfully worried about Putin.

    I said that I would be hesitant to stretch my mockery of Palin longer than I needed to, or get too political, but that the floating disembodied head of Vladimir Putin might make an interesting new character in the strip.

    So, Floating Disembodied Head of Vladimir Putin (which is exactly how everyone will refer to him in the strip from here on) is here to stay, or at least for the rest of the week and whenever I have something else funny to use him for after that.

    Credit where credit is due: my friend Michael Mills, back in 2000, created a character called the Floating Disembodied Head of Shakespeare for his TV show on the local TV station while playing around with a chromakey outfit, so I owe a debt of inspiration to him for this one.

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  7. Tasmaniandevil
    J0D0  over 16 years ago

    Great news to hear that the Floating Disembodied Head of Vladimir Putin is going to be a fixture - it’ll be rearing regularly.

    When I first saw it, I got a flash back to flick called, “Zardoz” …

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