1, Sled dogs are trained to go on the run. 2. Why put a hydrant in the middle of the frozen north, and3. What is there to put a hydrant for, they afraid the snow is going to catch fire?
Ok, I admit it’s only a comic, and would even be willing to admit I should save my dwindling brain cells on the really important stuff. Back to enjoying the comics through the suspension of reality.
el8 about 12 years ago
I told them to pee before we left, but no-ooo.
pouncingtiger about 12 years ago
Apparently, the dogs don’t mind sharing a hydrant at the same time.
battle of plattsburgh about 12 years ago
It’s hard to pull a sled with your legs crossed.
Godfreydaniel about 12 years ago
Talk about yellow snow!
Jeff0811 about 12 years ago
1, Sled dogs are trained to go on the run. 2. Why put a hydrant in the middle of the frozen north, and3. What is there to put a hydrant for, they afraid the snow is going to catch fire?
Ok, I admit it’s only a comic, and would even be willing to admit I should save my dwindling brain cells on the really important stuff. Back to enjoying the comics through the suspension of reality.
7500edg about 12 years ago