Looks to me that in the smaller thought panel, Randolph is trying to capture evidence of the soap bubble cube with a personal camcorder, which has run out of battery power. (Apparently the device is flashing the “battery” warning signal through the viewfinder.).In these days of iPhones, it’s been quite awhile since I’ve seen someone carrying around a camcorder.
Darryl Heine about 12 years ago
This is the first strip of a short lived strip Tom Toles did back in 1999 after he retired Curious Avenue.
Little Coup about 12 years ago
molliemollie123 about 10 years ago
I give up. Why is he repeating the word “battery”? An explanation would be appreciated. Thanks!
Dirty Dragon almost 9 years ago
Looks to me that in the smaller thought panel, Randolph is trying to capture evidence of the soap bubble cube with a personal camcorder, which has run out of battery power. (Apparently the device is flashing the “battery” warning signal through the viewfinder.).In these days of iPhones, it’s been quite awhile since I’ve seen someone carrying around a camcorder.
AidenGreenamyer about 7 years ago
Wow 10 years and no comics