Randolph Itch, 2 a.m. by Tom Toles for April 08, 2013

  1. Emerald
    margueritem  almost 12 years ago

    What a nightmare!

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  2. Missing large
    waykirk  almost 12 years ago

    Been there and done that.

    I heartily curse my Celtic ancestors for giving me bad teeth. However, I still have my hair. Make your choice gentlemen.

    My late father-in-law was a dentist in the US Navy during WWII and he must have had his hands full knowing how dental health was at the time. God bless this gentleman.

    His lovely and DrPH daughter has put up with the old Sarge for nearly forty years now.

    Just an aside, twenty years later in the early seventies, when I was in the service, they hired masochists in the Army dental department. Ouch. I think that they were paid by the extraction.

    My last dental doc said that I needed thousands of dollars of dental care. I suppose that soon I will need to use a straw to eat my dinner but I can still drink my Wild Turkey without the straw.

    Donations accepted for dental work but I cant promise that I will use the money for teeth but for the mental relaxation of bourbon, et al.

    The old toothless Sarge

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