New Adventures of Queen Victoria by Pab Sungenis for November 14, 2008

  1. Emerald
    margueritem  over 16 years ago

    Roger, etc., you were right, they are Mormon missionaries.

    Nothing worse then magic underwear chafe.

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  2. Image14
    ChiehHsia  over 16 years ago

    I did my internship in Honolulu and in S.E. Idaho. I absolutely know from Mormon missionaries.

    Oscar should have tried a magic jockstrap instead, if he was concerned about chafing and riding up. But I’m disappointed… all this time I figured Mr. Wilde was a pioneer of commando.

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  3. Flash
    pschearer Premium Member over 16 years ago

    You can Google for websites by ex-Mormons that reveal the secrets of Mormon underwear. When Mitt Romney was making his brief effort to run for president, it was widely mentioned that his father George had also sought that office, but I saw no mention of what brought George’s attempt to a halt, when it was revealed that he wore the required Mormon underwear. His candidacy couldn’t stand the ridicule.

    As for Mormons in general, they are dangerous because as a group they combine a lack of respect for separation of church and state (remember, they originally wanted to create their own nation) with such a gosh-darned niceness bred into them from birth. And it’s doctrine to reproduce like bunnies to recycle all those unborn souls into human bodies so they can go on to become gods in their own universe. Even better than 72 virgins.

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  4. Image14
    ChiehHsia  over 16 years ago

    The less I know about someone else’s underwear, regardless of their religious affiliation, the happier I think I shall be.

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  5. Possum
    Possum Pete  over 16 years ago

    “brief effort”! Ha Ha!

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  6. Angel descending
    Heavenly  over 16 years ago

    pschearer…can you put any more false statements into that paragraph?


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  7. Ha thur  har ewe
    stpatme  over 16 years ago

    According to the Wikipedia, back in Oscar’s day (before 1923) the Mormon underwear was crotchless! He shouldn’t have gone with the modern design; the original would have suited his well. ;-)

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  8. Angel descending
    Heavenly  over 16 years ago

    rolls eyes

    Me too…done that…you are so off base it isn’t even funny.

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  9. Missing large
    kankoviak  over 16 years ago

    Hey all. Not intending to start a war, but wasn’t it Vicki’s anti-homosexual laws which put Oscar in prison??

    Also, if it’s not too impolite, Roger, why are you Roger but not THAT Roger?? I figure there has got to be a story here and I came in late.

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