Moderately Confused by Jeff Stahler for January 02, 2013

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    rini1946  about 12 years ago

    can you afford the increase in you tax rate when the goverment needs the money for more unemployment payments or would you be able to afford it when that unemployed worker takes you job because he is willing to work for less than you

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    cat3crazy Premium Member about 12 years ago

    This is not funny in fact it is down right offensive.

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    ALB 8446  about 12 years ago

    the sad truth

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    Djequeen  about 12 years ago

    Not true at all if you buy US made goods & measure the cost based on use. USA made goods are often higher quality, last longer so you replace less often.

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    CeeJay  about 12 years ago

    Unions have given us a forty hour work week, paid vacations, and health care, just to mention a few things. Every benefit we have as workers was fought for by unions. Nothing would please business more than to see the elimination of unions.Every year it seems that unions lose out to states that pass “right to work laws”. Take a look at the huge gap in wages between workers and management in this country.It’s at an all time high. I’ve grown tired of hearing the blame placed on workers for the economic woes in this nation.

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    scsurfer  about 12 years ago

    Hey, exoticdoc, you’re still in the 70’s w/that line. The whole dynamic has changed since the 80’s. Unions don’t drive prices anymore; corporations and banks do. Try and keep up here.

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    comicnut4636  about 12 years ago

    She correct…if it’s made in the USA, it’s an antique.

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    cbrsarah  about 12 years ago

    Unions may have made things better, but now most of them are corrupt, donate to candidates to make sure they will be given preference and take dues from non-members. If I had worked for a company that had both union and non-union workers and they took money from me for dues I would be suing them or have them arrested for theft. I would be working for the company, not the union. And after the flagrant violence unions recently committed in Michigan, I am all for right-to-work laws.

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    Justice22  about 12 years ago

    People, Wake Up! Most foreign made products now cost more than domestic made. I shop for US made products. If you look, they are there.

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    cutiepie29  about 12 years ago

    You know, I always considered myself to be “middle-class”, but then I was just recently told that “middle-class” is now considered those that earn approx $1 million/year. While not poverty-level, I am light years away from $1 million/year. Any thoughts on that? What do you consider “middle-class”?

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