New Adventures of Queen Victoria by Pab Sungenis for December 07, 2008

  1. Emerald
    margueritem  over 16 years ago

    Just another of several dozen Ripper theories.

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    Edcole1961  over 16 years ago

    The most likely Jack the Ripper was Francis Tumblety. He stayed in a part of Whitechapel that was close to all of the murder sites, and the murders stopped as soon as he went back to the USA. Scotland Yard questioned him at the time, but there was no evidence to hold him.

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    Valis616  over 16 years ago

    Actually, there is an excellent book by Patricia Cornwell that nails it, in my opinion. Highly recommended for any-one interested in this case.

    I forgot to add, this is one of her non-fiction books :-)

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  4. Flash
    pschearer Premium Member over 16 years ago

    I lean toward the insane Polish butcher theory myself.

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  5. Mannytherat
    KingRat  over 16 years ago

    Alan Moore knows the score, Riffs? Yeah! can u dig it?

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    Pab Sungenis creator over 16 years ago

    We’ll never know. Just the image of the “Billy’s path through” the Whitechapel map occurred to me, and Albert Victor was handy. And if you don’t believe it was him, he SAYS right at the end that it wasn’t him!

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    Dutchboy1  over 16 years ago

    And the Jack The Ripper mystery has any relevance for our day because…? All the possible suspects are all long dead and buried.

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  8. Rock house 03b
    RockHouse  over 16 years ago

    I wonder if Albert ran into Inspector Frederick Abberline (Johnny Depp) on the way? Alan Moore wrote the graphic novel From Hell

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  9. Zippy
    DoktorZoom  over 16 years ago

    Silly Pab–it was clearly “Ida Know!”

    Better yet, could you find a way to pin the murders on Bil Keane?

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    CaptainColorado  over 16 years ago

    I enjoyed the mention of Alan Moore.

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  11. Dim2
    farren  over 16 years ago

    Doesn’t Alan Moore live in Northchapel?

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  12. John adams1
    Motivemagus  over 16 years ago

    It wasn’t Albert Victor - no one thinks that who has really studied the research. Furthermore, Patricia Cornwell is an occasionally competent writer, but this was a work of ego, not research. She’s not a detective. Her theory makes no sense when explored in greater depth, either. There’s simply not enough evidence to nail it down, and a lot of what is “known” is dubious, e.g., the “surgical precision,” which is debatable. There are some good “Ripperologists,” and I am blanking on the good name.

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    jackfertig  about 16 years ago

    oh, quibble, quibble, quibble…

    I am so behind on catching up on TNoQV, but this is SO funny! Yay, Pab!

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    COMALiteJ  over 15 years ago

    I like the Babylon 5 take on Jack the Ripper. I won’t spoil it for you who have never seen the best-ever science fiction TV series.

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