C'est la Vie by Jennifer Babcock for December 20, 2012

  1. 4 8 8 2
    Peabody-Martini  about 12 years ago

    Reality is going to bite her hard on the @$$ when she gets there. Not quite sure how yet, but it will.

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  2. Georg von rosen   oden som vandringsman  1886  odin  the wanderer
    runar  about 12 years ago

    For most of the trip, she’ll be going commando.

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  3. Lp
    LizardPriest  about 12 years ago

    You should always travel with an extra pair in case of sharts.

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  4. Hetrodyne
    jruckman  about 12 years ago

    Sounds like Mona is aiming for the top of Santa’s “Naughty” list…

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  5. Heraldexaminer jiggs
    Buzza Wuzza  about 12 years ago

    Merry X-mas to Lucas!

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  6. Thinker
    Sisyphos  about 12 years ago

    Oh, my! I really never hoped to be getting into Mona’s underwear, but if we must go there….I vote Mona takes at least one clean spare pair!

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  7. Ag prefect
    AgProv  about 12 years ago

    Or a Febreze can.

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    starlilies  about 12 years ago


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  9. Marie01 01
    Tantor  about 12 years ago

    oh man, I’d thought mona wore g-strings… anyway that’s gonna be a very dirty panty

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    frogsandravens  about 12 years ago

    I suspect she’s hinting that she’s not going to need underwear because she’s not going to be wearing clothes for her planned activities with Lucas. So more naughty than gross. (But this is Mona; who knows?)

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