Ripley's Believe It or Not by Ripley’s Believe It or Not! for January 16, 2013
THE VARSITY The Varsity in Atlanta, GA., is the largest drive-in restaurant in the world, serving up to 40,000 people every day! Phil Hansen, from Minneapolis, Minn., re-created the 19th-century Japanese artwork The Wave, by Hokusai, using only Coca-Cola! Former millionaire businessman David Glasheen has lived alone on Tropical Restoration Island, off the coast of Australia, since 1993!
Templo S.U.D. about 12 years ago
Well, the reporters made David no longer alone (wow, 20 years of solitude).
Gator007 about 12 years ago
YEAH Varsity Is near GA TECH!
linsonl about 12 years ago
There once was a well used tunnel under the interstate to get from Tech to the Varsity, may not still be there since they rebuilt the downtown interstates and added MARTA,, all done since I was at Tech…and Coca-Cola, too! Must be Atlanta’s day for fifteen minutes of fame.
James Hopkins about 12 years ago
I was born in Lancaster, Ohio, so it’s good to see Atlanta back from the ashes. ;)
elysummers about 12 years ago
I’d love to join him, but then neither one of us would be alone.
roscoedog55 about 12 years ago
Don’s Drive-in in Traverse City, Mich. is just like it was in the 50’s. Except a milk shake costs $8.00.
WS99 about 12 years ago
Was he a former millionaire businessman, or a former businessman, or a former millionaire???
Puddleglum2 about 12 years ago
If Glasheen is not a millionaire, he might have to ‘float a loan’.
AmyGrantfan51774 about 12 years ago
interesting piece about Atlanta, Georgia would like to go there one day