Doonesbury by Garry Trudeau for January 11, 2013
Jeff: Truth is, Zip, I can't shake my writer's block. Still got ideas, but no execution! I used to be able to knock 'em out of the park. Now I only got warning-track power. Zipper: Hold it right there, son! Jeff: What? Zipper: If you supposedly can't write, then where did that slick baseball analogy just come from? Jeff: I... I don't know. Zipper: You just tossed it off! Like a freakin' Hemingwad!
Linguist about 12 years ago
A Hemingwad ? Good one Garry !
DylanThomas3.14159 about 12 years ago
Think maybe Jeff represents one aspect of Trudeau’s own personality? I’m a commercially published book author, and I sometimes have feelings exactly like Jeff’s. And I know exactly what writer’s block is. It’s easy for armchair critics to scoff ignorantly at Jeff. These problems are real and and they are common. Even though Trudeau is extremely successful, he may still be expressing these concerns through the fictional character of Jeff Redfern.
Also through Jeff’s father, Rick Redfern, who’s also a writer. Genetics (or nature) + environment (or nurture) = the way a person turns out in life.
Peabody-Martini about 12 years ago
Didn’t he come up with whole Red Rascal thing to avoid getting sacked from his job? It’s all about finding the right motivation.
King_Shark about 12 years ago
Maybe he should dump the Red Rascal and create the Blue Bounder/
YatInExile about 12 years ago
Not only a Hemingwad, but a Steinbork, too!
ErpinBurp about 12 years ago
Zipper knows the word ‘analogy’?
roctor about 12 years ago
Ernest Worth Longbeck?
montessoriteacher about 12 years ago
Anyone could’ve seen the writer’s block excuse coming from a mile away…
George Alexander about 12 years ago
Don’t blame Jeff, Afghanistan and Iraq have been pumped dry, despite General McCrystal’s book, and with Willard’s loss, another war in the near future seems unlikely. Maybe Jeff,like Depredieu, should try moving to Moscow.
SwimsWithSharks about 12 years ago
That Walden liberal arts education is really paying off for that pair of Faulkups.
ossiningaling about 12 years ago
Red Rascal back story from … when he … played in Cincinnati. Yeah, that’s right, … where he got his nickname. That’s the ticket.
Kip W about 12 years ago
I somehow doubt the war has been pumped dry of ideas. They’re still milking the Civil War, and that only lasted… well, okay, maybe it’s still going on, but my point stands.
montessoriteacher about 12 years ago
I was sad to see the KC icon novelist Evan Connell has died. If you haven’t read Mrs. Bridge, you should check it out. Also, there was a decent movie based on the book, called Mr. and Mrs. Bridge, with Paul Newman and Joanne Woodward. Oh, he also wrote a book called Mr. Bridge. Fun reads, especially if you want to learn about the Midwest.
montessoriteacher about 12 years ago
I have noticed there are fewer comments about nonpolitical strips. No need to put your 2 cents in if it isn’t political and emotionally charged I guess.
montessoriteacher about 12 years ago
No one doubts that writer’s block is real. As for questioning whether or not Jeff has it, it is hard to tell. He doesn’t really have such a stellar reputation, let’s face it.
lenthekid about 12 years ago
“Hemingwad!” I love it!
marzipANn about 12 years ago
My husband was a novelist, 17 published and another just out; he wrote first thing in the morning, when the world had not yet intruded and a night’s sleep had perhaps solved some of yesterday’s problems. He also carried a notepad, later a tape recorder, to write down observationsn new ideas or the solution to a troubling sentence. He taught that sitting at the typewiter and typing nonsense sometimes would break the barrier and end the block, and that the habit of writing and the presence of the typewriter made it easier for words to come when they were ready.
basshwy about 12 years ago
What the Hells! Are you talking about? You come on here every day, rabbit on about this without ever having the intestinal fortitude to explain it. It is a cowards advance.
DylanThomas3.14159 about 12 years ago
Hey, Jeff’s still guzzlin’ “fruit juice”? As Homer Simpson would say, “Mmmmm fruuuuuuuuuit juice! Nother can! Glug glug glug. Can’t miss my Fruit Juice-aholoics Anonymous meetin’ tonight. Burp. Hic. Urp.”
Linguist about 12 years ago
marzipANn said, about 9 hours ago;My husband was a novelist, 17 published and another just out; he wrote first thing in the morning, when the world had not yet intruded and a night’s sleep had perhaps solved some of yesterday’s problems. He also carried a notepad, later a tape recorder, to write down observationsn new ideas or the solution to a troubling sentence. He taught that sitting at the typewiter and typing nonsense sometimes would break the barrier and end the block, and that the habit of writing and the presence of the typewriter made it easier for words to come when they were ready.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
Ridiculous as this may sound, I find that reading and posting here on GoComics sometimes breaks my blocks, or at least stimulates me to write. I find that the give and take by some of the commentators on these strips are not only erudite and well written but inspirational.The anonymity of the comments allows a certain freedom of thought and imagination. Ballard Street is a great example of the latter. This strip – a good example of the former.
peckley about 12 years ago
This strip is far from funny !
jimsizemore1405 almost 12 years ago
Could it be dare I say, Jeff is not having a writers block … Jeff is growing up!