Big Nate by Lincoln Peirce for January 28, 2013

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    Agent54  about 12 years ago

    Nate you will always have Gina. (snerk)

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    fresco b milne  about 12 years ago

    that first panels so sad reminds me of titanic

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    thouÏ€  about 12 years ago

    I wonder how Nate would react if Artur was returning to Belarus forever

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    TripleT  about 12 years ago

    Alright Francis,do that AND a slap for reality.

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    Kvasir42 Premium Member about 12 years ago

    I’m hoping he is preparing to use the book for a good old whack to the head (Nate’s head, of course).

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    reshiram501  about 12 years ago

    is the person whos username is bignate Mr.Peirce?if it is hi there!

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    orbenjawell Premium Member about 12 years ago

    Like I said re: yesterday’s strip…..a “shiner” JUST might be in order now!! Load it , cock it, and aim it, Francis!! Haw! HAW!!

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    sonytv  about 12 years ago

    jenny won’t. At the last moment, something will happen, it cancels, and jenny stays.

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    Kathy M T M Premium Member about 12 years ago

    quit the hugging in school or you’ll be in detention!

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    Comic Minister Premium Member about 12 years ago

    Don’t even think about it Francis!

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    Voizer  about 12 years ago

    Um……he can’t hear you.

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    Popeyesforearm  about 12 years ago

    how about a boot to the head?

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    GregoriusM  about 12 years ago

    Never realized Artur had such pale skin… or is everyone else’s skin darker?

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    bignatesgirl  about 12 years ago

    Nate, how would you like it if you dated Jenny, she was moving, you hugged for 2 hours and Artur was like "This is getting ridiculous. They have been hugging for 2 hours. Give it a rest. Why not a basic fist bump?

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    jeeman77  about 12 years ago

    lol xD

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    Agent Comics  about 12 years ago
    Hi Lincoln I hope I’m not you but I got some questions on mymind.

    1. What is Arturs home life like?

    2. Do you think you’ll ever have Nate and Gina together.

    3. Have you been secretly dropping hints of them liking each other?

    4. Who is your favorite Big Nate character.

    5. Which one of the secondary characters would you have as the star of the strip if Nate didn’t not exist. In others words Which one of your characters of Big Nate do you think would make the best star of the stip ( excluding nate).

    6. Have you ever considered making Big Nate a live action film or a animated cartoon? I think it would be intresting seeing nate being portrayed as a human boy.

    7. How did you come up with such a goood idea?

    8. Have you ever douted big nate? In others words when you started developing nate did you go " this idea is stupid" and then temperaily give up?

    9. Did you remember your first description of Nate? In others words do you remember the first thought of Nate and the image that went. With it?

    10 . How did you come up with such unique hair?

    I know its a lot lol hope it wasnt to much. Thank you!

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    Fizzyfizstuff  about 12 years ago

    Hold still….hold it……hold it……..hold still……

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    BIGNATE#EPIC281  almost 9 years ago

    Someones jealous!

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    DM9001  about 5 years ago

    A fist bump. How romantic.

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    TheJustinator  almost 5 years ago


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    MabelPines1234  over 4 years ago

    why are they hugging? It’ll just make them more upset

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    Nadine Wright  over 3 years ago

    ok nate ik u like jenny but just let them do their thing jenny is moving

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