Ripley's Believe It or Not by Ripley’s Believe It or Not! for January 28, 2013
Warren Houghton lost his wallet in New Hampshire in the 1940s, and it was returned to his home in Michigan in 2012! RIDE HIGH! Felix Guirola rides the streets of Havana on an 18-foot-high homemade bicycle! Actor Rob Lowe killed a flying bird with a golf ball in 2007, beating odds of 200 million to 1. Four years later, Andrew Lowe from Toronto did the same thing!
BRI-NO-MITE!! Premium Member about 12 years ago
I’ve heard of golfers getting a “birdie”, but……..
Frog-on-a-Log Premium Member about 12 years ago
el8 about 12 years ago
Rob had already killed his acting career well before then.
ransomdstone about 12 years ago
Should be “tom_wrong.”
jploch5408 about 12 years ago
Why is it that people always have to throw in a partisan comment?
shel4 about 12 years ago
Birds must have been flying too lowe!
goweeder about 12 years ago
Some people are pretty sore losers.
Puddleglum2 about 12 years ago
Felix is riding high!
Possum Pete about 12 years ago
Aim Lowe, shoot high!
dtegtmeier51 about 12 years ago
Really? Why don’t you and tom_wright get a clue and go find a political forum to air your discontent.
ColonelClaus about 12 years ago
Must have been Lowe flying birds
Stephen Gilberg about 12 years ago
I don’t care for stories of late deliveries and returns. They run together pretty quickly.Wait, did they try to kill the birds?
Red_Fez about 12 years ago
Next time mock Bush, Palin, Gingrich et al. You won’t hear a peep about partisan comments.
fixer1967 about 12 years ago
What tennis player was it that hit a bird on the court? I seen it live as it happened but I can not remember the player
gosfreikempe about 12 years ago
Speaking of hate, you might want to read your own comment.
grebes237 about 12 years ago
How did they know the bird’s name was Randy Johnson?
AmyGrantfan51774 about 12 years ago
Rob Lowe is on a good show now Parks and Recreation who’s seen it??…also that piece about Warren Houghton losing his wallet in New Hampshire in the ’40s and having it returned to him in Michigan in 2012 was interesting