I was going to say that Jane Goodall would have a problem with this. Then I took NightGaunt’s advice from yesterday and did some research. Goodall studied chimps, not gorillas. There are no chimps in Kenya, so that would be silly. I once watched a tv program about someone doing research.Yes, Katman, I understand your “Buttwider” comment. Has that effect on me too.WideLoad a GOWA!
Nice action drawings, back in the jungle where T-zan belongs, lots of fun. I noticed that no arrows were lost from the quiver, after all. Puff! imagine otherwise!
Gorilla-0 Tarzan/Howdy Billy-1! So I guess they’re going to Kenya-Super-Umgowa-Bowl! Start buying your tickets and team merchandise!Was it Tarzan’s trusty knife that slew the beast, or the stink on Howdy Bill’s safari shirt….I guess we’ll never know..too bad, we could have used an Ivory Snow detergent ad right about now.Anyway, loved some of today’s comments tribemates LMAO!Off to the Kitinga village tomorrow…tra, la, la, la. :)> SurvivorsA Gowa!Wake up B’wana Q you’re falling behind!!
Diane Fossey researched mountain gorillas in Rwanda. She used questionable methods when dealing with the native peoples ,including kidnapping a chief’s child in aid of convincing the nomadic tribe to stay away from their traditional lands on the off chance they might bother the gorillas. (The tribes did not hunt the animals) Ms. Fossey was murdered for trying to change a cultural life style by giving rights to wild animals. People in the “3rd World” just cannot grasp this mind set fostered by folks who buy their food in stores and never have to deal with the reality of hog killing and chicken chopping. Tarzan gets it.
Well, that’s certainly what I would do if I saw a huge raging gorilla attacking someone – I’d take my shirt off and wrap it around the gorilla’s neck, too.No, I would NOT run away screaming for help. Honest!
Llewellenbruce about 12 years ago
Another gorilla bites the dust.
J Short about 12 years ago
Hey you guys, quit monkeying around; someone is gonna get hurt.
Polsixe about 12 years ago
A bushmeat feast may be on the menu, Bill is going native.
wiselad about 12 years ago
Tarzan will teach him “the dance” of victory
rdmacgregor about 12 years ago
Not to mention bloodcurdling victory screams! Both will be quite the hit when Bill goes back to the ’hood for a break from his duties in D.C .
jmcx4 about 12 years ago
I was going to say that Jane Goodall would have a problem with this. Then I took NightGaunt’s advice from yesterday and did some research. Goodall studied chimps, not gorillas. There are no chimps in Kenya, so that would be silly. I once watched a tv program about someone doing research.Yes, Katman, I understand your “Buttwider” comment. Has that effect on me too.WideLoad a GOWA!
RockChalkJayhawk about 12 years ago
I think Dian Fossey might have a problem with this. Not to mention PETA!
sydman about 12 years ago
Nice action drawings, back in the jungle where T-zan belongs, lots of fun. I noticed that no arrows were lost from the quiver, after all. Puff! imagine otherwise!
profkatz about 12 years ago
Gorilla-0 Tarzan/Howdy Billy-1! So I guess they’re going to Kenya-Super-Umgowa-Bowl! Start buying your tickets and team merchandise!Was it Tarzan’s trusty knife that slew the beast, or the stink on Howdy Bill’s safari shirt….I guess we’ll never know..too bad, we could have used an Ivory Snow detergent ad right about now.Anyway, loved some of today’s comments tribemates LMAO!Off to the Kitinga village tomorrow…tra, la, la, la. :)> SurvivorsA Gowa!Wake up B’wana Q you’re falling behind!!
Tomas B Texino about 12 years ago
Diane Fossey researched mountain gorillas in Rwanda. She used questionable methods when dealing with the native peoples ,including kidnapping a chief’s child in aid of convincing the nomadic tribe to stay away from their traditional lands on the off chance they might bother the gorillas. (The tribes did not hunt the animals) Ms. Fossey was murdered for trying to change a cultural life style by giving rights to wild animals. People in the “3rd World” just cannot grasp this mind set fostered by folks who buy their food in stores and never have to deal with the reality of hog killing and chicken chopping. Tarzan gets it.
snugharborman-catalog about 12 years ago
Well, that’s certainly what I would do if I saw a huge raging gorilla attacking someone – I’d take my shirt off and wrap it around the gorilla’s neck, too.No, I would NOT run away screaming for help. Honest!
profkatz about 12 years ago
I keep telling you tribemates that it t’was the body odor on that stinkey shirt of Howdy Billy’s that slew the beast! :)> B.O.Agowa!!