Haha! I really enjoy this one today, Tony! It is so very true and hits home. We would be better off if we did not spend our money foolishly. I think perhaps the people who are saying they don’t get it….. are most likely not getting it because they do not save money much, and that they do not understand the hyperbole inherent in the “Unbeatable savings!” and “Save Big Money…” slogans that most mercantiles spout to get you to SPEND your money.
konradh about 12 years ago
What’s wrong with you guys?
Pipe Tobacco about 12 years ago
Haha! I really enjoy this one today, Tony! It is so very true and hits home. We would be better off if we did not spend our money foolishly. I think perhaps the people who are saying they don’t get it….. are most likely not getting it because they do not save money much, and that they do not understand the hyperbole inherent in the “Unbeatable savings!” and “Save Big Money…” slogans that most mercantiles spout to get you to SPEND your money.
pcolli about 12 years ago
My other half says…“Oh look, buy two, save £1.” I say, “Buy none, save £4.”
el8 about 12 years ago
Much Ado About Nothing.
tegm almost 12 years ago
hahahaha I love how pissed the dude looks XD