Last Kiss by John Lustig for January 18, 2013

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    DoctorLarryO  about 12 years ago

    Donā€™t know what happened here or where everyone is, but glitches kind of define GoComics. But, for ā€˜original artā€™ geeks like myself, go to Later, all.

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  2. Heraldexaminer jiggs
    Buzza Wuzza  about 12 years ago

    Itā€™s a win-win for her!

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    pcolli  about 12 years ago

    Who wants to write a book about someone who isnā€™t famous?

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  4. 13.2.6lustigavator
    John Lustig (Last Kiss) creator about 12 years ago

    Oh, just to make things a little easierā€”-hereā€™s a clickable link to the original panel of art and a bit of commentary.

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  5. 2011 04 12 smoking but not so hot
    Commentator  about 12 years ago

    Awesome artwork today.I know I keep saying that but Iā€™ve ODā€™d on contemporary comics. Overboard and Dilbert are fun, but comics like Last Kiss, Liberty Meadows and Monty are an endangered species. And of course Calvin and Hobbes has been extinct for some time.You should write an entire comic book sometime Mr. Lustig. In full vibrant color of course!

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    vwdualnomand  about 12 years ago

    heard that taylor swift does a similar thing. she dates a guy, breaks up, and songwrites and sings about the breakup.

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    Woody157  about 12 years ago

    @freeholder ~ You said, ā€œNo that would be an artist using her talent as therapy.ā€ I think your statement is true but could 1 step farther. ā€œā€¦using her talent as therapy and using therapy as cash.ā€

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