If Jesus spoke English, it’s good enough for me.
Scotty is ignorant in every language.
Qu’avez-vous fait? Vous êtes allé à l’enfer.
The way he’s carrying on… you’d swear he killed Sabine or something… And Bargrove, I nearly spewed coffee out my nose! : D (That’s the sort of comment my dearly departed dad used to make – always punctuated by the GD curse, of course.)
Per Google Translate:
“My God! What have I done!?”
captain underpants thinks a Frenchman has to pray in English??
Bargrove almost 12 years ago
If Jesus spoke English, it’s good enough for me.
randayn almost 12 years ago
Scotty is ignorant in every language.
Coyoty Premium Member almost 12 years ago
Qu’avez-vous fait? Vous êtes allé à l’enfer.
T_Lexi almost 12 years ago
The way he’s carrying on… you’d swear he killed Sabine or something… And Bargrove, I nearly spewed coffee out my nose! : D (That’s the sort of comment my dearly departed dad used to make – always punctuated by the GD curse, of course.)
lohaces almost 12 years ago
Per Google Translate:
“My God! What have I done!?”
pam Miner almost 12 years ago
captain underpants thinks a Frenchman has to pray in English??