In extreme cases, I wear a medical mask at the office over my mouth & nose. No joke! I should wear one now – I’m at work, and my boss is here, still recovering from the flu.
In the past I needed neck surgery, I was pt and I was fired from county. Happened days before surgery, I went to hr to complain also wrote a complaint letter saying if I was ft would not happen. The bosses relunctly let me have the job back, after I recovered I worked frantly get work back in order. 2 years later I was fired again only this time I did not care 9 years too does not count. I’m taking on-line classes and facing sever age D.
The Nihilist about 12 years ago
The correct answer is — My weekly production is down.
The boss doesn’t care if you’re sick or not, just feed the machine and keep my projections on an upward slope — or else…
cabalonrye about 12 years ago
Correct answer: I can’t afford to be sick. I would get the pink slip.
Zaristerex about 12 years ago
In extreme cases, I wear a medical mask at the office over my mouth & nose. No joke! I should wear one now – I’m at work, and my boss is here, still recovering from the flu.
rcerinys701 about 12 years ago
One of the electricians where I used to work took his first vacation in 10 years and was fired the day before he was supposed to come back to work.
KJCaufield about 12 years ago
@Wolf: yeah, but that is hard to do when you work at a call center as Lila does ;b
Hectoruno about 12 years ago
I was once told to cut my vacation short to come in. I left my wife and kids at a resort without a car so i could come in. I was laid off.
kab2rb about 12 years ago
In the past I needed neck surgery, I was pt and I was fired from county. Happened days before surgery, I went to hr to complain also wrote a complaint letter saying if I was ft would not happen. The bosses relunctly let me have the job back, after I recovered I worked frantly get work back in order. 2 years later I was fired again only this time I did not care 9 years too does not count. I’m taking on-line classes and facing sever age D.