If Everyone would just eat more garlic, it would be a better world. It wouldn’t solve the breath problems ( except we’d all have garlic breath ) but we’d all be healthier and happier !
MAZE GARDENS AT RUSPOLI CASTLE (NORTHERN LAZIO, ITALY)Maze fields about a mile from my house:The above image links to a bigger version where you can actually see the mazes for 2 different years. Or the big version is here:http://www.lafinlarry.net/images/corn-maze.jpg
Bad breath threats make the posting of the strip late, so that some of us don’t see it until even much later! Go get ‘em, Vlad! Punch some “mouthwash” down his throat! (I expect to see Vlad’s “score” for 2013 increase dramatically.)
Blog: Fecal waste is only a small portion of body waste. Dead skin and epidermal secretions, though sterile at origination, are a medium in which bacterial cultures can and do thrive.
Rabbit hoarding The person who arranged this scene for the sake of a funny picture is an irresponsible idiot, those rabbits can easily injure themselves when they jump down.I’ll have to keep my rabbits away from the computer screen for now, this would seriously upset them.I mean its okay for us treerabbits, we’re used to heights, but not for a normal rabbit!I hope they pee on his/her carpet.
Acromegaly (“gigantism”) is a fatal disease. Symptoms are caused by a tumor on the pituitary gland which causes uncontrolled release of growth hormone. The adrenals are ineffective in controlling this growth. the tumor can be removed surgically through the nasal passage but the is difficult to completely excise which allows the growth to continue unchecked. Monthly injections of a pharmaceutical preparation known as Sandostatin can effectively control growth. Other preparations are also available.
pcolli, I’m quite taken with your hirsute self, both inside and out…and, from the postings I’ve seen, I have to assume that poster Dora Dingle is one of the wackadoodle folks that populate our world – the good thing being that we don’t have to pay one iota of attention. carry on!
Rotifer FREE BEER & BATH MATS ON FEB. 31st Thalweg Premium Member about 12 years ago
Does the TDL need to spring into action? If we can help, let us know.
GoodQuestion Premium Member about 12 years ago
So if we wait for Teresa’s strip with baited breath,do we smell like worms?? . . . . . ☻
Larry Miller Premium Member about 12 years ago
finale, Gaijinrabbit’s suggestion is better than Tic Tacs and a slingshot.
Linguist about 12 years ago
If Everyone would just eat more garlic, it would be a better world. It wouldn’t solve the breath problems ( except we’d all have garlic breath ) but we’d all be healthier and happier !
cleokaya about 12 years ago
Is someone threatening Teresa with bad breath as the weapon?
Larry Miller Premium Member about 12 years ago
MAZE GARDENS AT RUSPOLI CASTLE (NORTHERN LAZIO, ITALY)Maze fields about a mile from my house:The above image links to a bigger version where you can actually see the mazes for 2 different years. Or the big version is here:http://www.lafinlarry.net/images/corn-maze.jpg
pcolli about 12 years ago
No, I think it means that people with bad breath will be breathing in her direction.
Sisyphos about 12 years ago
Bad breath threats make the posting of the strip late, so that some of us don’t see it until even much later! Go get ‘em, Vlad! Punch some “mouthwash” down his throat! (I expect to see Vlad’s “score” for 2013 increase dramatically.)
The Old Wolf about 12 years ago
Halitosis is better than no breath.
Brass Orchid Premium Member about 12 years ago
Blog: Fecal waste is only a small portion of body waste. Dead skin and epidermal secretions, though sterile at origination, are a medium in which bacterial cultures can and do thrive.
pcolli about 12 years ago
My breath is fine and my beard is probably cleaner than some parts of your body. I don’t exist for your pleasure, neither did I insult you..
scarbro about 12 years ago
There’s no food cleaner than a knuckle sandwich!
*Space Madness at The Station* about 12 years ago
Just do inhalition.
Treerabbit about 12 years ago
Rabbit hoarding The person who arranged this scene for the sake of a funny picture is an irresponsible idiot, those rabbits can easily injure themselves when they jump down.I’ll have to keep my rabbits away from the computer screen for now, this would seriously upset them.I mean its okay for us treerabbits, we’re used to heights, but not for a normal rabbit!I hope they pee on his/her carpet.
drbob456x about 12 years ago
Acromegaly (“gigantism”) is a fatal disease. Symptoms are caused by a tumor on the pituitary gland which causes uncontrolled release of growth hormone. The adrenals are ineffective in controlling this growth. the tumor can be removed surgically through the nasal passage but the is difficult to completely excise which allows the growth to continue unchecked. Monthly injections of a pharmaceutical preparation known as Sandostatin can effectively control growth. Other preparations are also available.
daffydowndilly about 12 years ago
pcolli, I’m quite taken with your hirsute self, both inside and out…and, from the postings I’ve seen, I have to assume that poster Dora Dingle is one of the wackadoodle folks that populate our world – the good thing being that we don’t have to pay one iota of attention. carry on!
Commentator about 12 years ago
Hey what are those suspicious looking things dangling off their face? Those trunk looking things.
pcolli about 12 years ago
I’m glad you don’t like my face…at least I have the courage to display mine.
Brass Orchid Premium Member about 12 years ago
Blog: You don’t think the words when you sing. They are delivered from rote retention. A different part of the brain is in use. Live vs. Memorex.
Sisyphos about 12 years ago
Fwoggie? Where is you?
Sisyphos about 12 years ago
Halloo! Anybody there?